All Hail The Ministry of Truth!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now we have a ministry of truth, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Youtube, as directed by the progressive faction, we can rest safe that our masters will protect us… from ourselves. Because as we all know, history has nothing but glowing remarks about ministries of truth, group think and lack of debate. The historic eras, Nazi Germany, USSR, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, the Mongol Empire, the Chin Dynasty, the Mayans, Carthaginians and Philistines… are those to be followed, and initiating a ministry of truth is the largest step that can be made in that direction. Of course, some people do not want to progress to utopia, but would rather return to limited government and liberty as the default. They stand in the way of progress and so deserve to be silenced, vilified and savaged… for having an opinion.

Who needs doctors, PHD’s and scientists debating medicine, when we have CEO’s, bureaucrats and politicians willing to make those decisions. Practicing medicine from the corporate boardroom, for nakedly political and self interested purposes… you don’t get more progressive than that! Like the time Youtube removed a video of doctors discussing their views on the Wuhan Flu. That was awesome. Those insolent doctors now know who is boss! Who do they think they are, only having years of practicing medicine at the front lines of human health, pish posh. Pitting their weak arguments based on logic, science and the best interest of the human race, against the sublime wisdom of the progressive faction, who’s textured arguments serve only their personal political interests.

The ministry of truth may not always be right… but they always speak the political truth. When Twitter deplatformed Zerohedge, for having the audacity to claim, with only a ton of evidence that a bioweapons lab in Wuhan, dedicated to upgrading deadly viruses procured from bats, for biological warfare against the US and funded by the Obama administration… could possibly have leaked the covid 19 pathogen. Well, they appear to have been wrong about that, but they were correct about hiding the information to protect the Chinese Communist Party. Else the frog might have noticed the pot is heating up. When the ministry of truth took their marching orders from the World Health Organization, not to wear masks before they told us to wear masks, it was the epitome of progressive.

Goebbels, the head of the Nazi German ministry of truth was amazingly progressive. Indeed, he and Hitler followed in the footsteps of great American progressives like Woodrow Wilson, for the ideas that led to their theories of a Master Race. Mao sent the Red Guard house to house taking all the people’s food. Which led to around 45 million people starving to death before Mao generously opened the storehouses. The Mayans polluted their own water supply with the bodies of their sacrificial victims, of course no one dared complain, they would be the next sacrifice. The Carthaginians fed 10,000 babies to Moloch before the first battle of Carthage. Around twenty years later… their fields were salted by the Romans under Scipio Africanus. What other historic examples could possibly be better to follow?

Goebbels controlled the radio and newspapers, but Google, through it’s monopoly on search, controls everything we see and hear, as Facebook manipulates us as it sees fit, while they both take their orders from the progressive faction. What Goebbels couldn’t have dreamed of, is the ability that Google’s AI has to predict thought crimes. It is the perfect enforcement mechanism for thought laws. Opening the door to that progressive innovation. Since all action starts with a thought, cut off the ability of the people to think for themselves, and all actions are controlled. That is the way to get to the Utopia that all progressives so desire… to live in a modern Nazi Germany, USSR, under Genghis Khan, Qin Shi Huang or Mao. Heck, we already sacrifice 52,000 babies to Moloch a month, shaming Carthage.


John Pepin

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