AI, Gene Editing, Cyber Tech… and Malevolent Morons

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, putting AI, Crysper and cybertech in the hands of psychopathic oligarchs, like ours, is like giving a preschool jars of nitroglycerin to play with. There is a reason science follows philosophy and not the other way around. For science to advance, there must first be a philosophical advance, that gives the mental framework for it. Remove that framework, and the scientific advance that has already occurred, becomes unstable, thus dangerous. If you went back in time and gave and iron age king, jet planes, he would use them to create suffering. The minds of people with that framework are not capable of creating jet planes, but also of understanding how to use them, in a way that improves the lot of man rather than lowers it. The same holds true if science runs ahead of philosophy.

I have talked extensively, about how psychopathic our overlords are, so I won’t go there. Suffice it to say, read my earlier articles to get an understanding of just how malevolent our “leaders” are. The important point to make about them is, they are abandoning modernism, the mental framework that has allowed us to advance in science, for a return to a bronze age mindset. The Bronze age was a time of great advance. Advances that wouldn’t be surpassed for thousands of years. Nevertheless, it had built within it, as do all philosophies, a limit, a ceiling, to how high the technology could go. If you took Caesar and plopped him down in London, during the Enlightenment, he would not be the least impressed at the scientific advancement… one century later however would be very different.

Words are little philosophical concepts. New words come into being to express new ideas. Each word carrying with it a whole constellation of ideas. There are words that exist in English that don’t have a corollary in Japanese. The very concept must be explained narratively because the idea is not known there. The reverse is true as well. Take the word nearby. To understand it you must understand a great many ideas. The concepts of distance, space, and time are involved. Every word is the same, each concept building upon the last to create a framework by which we understand the world. If that framework is deficient then our ability to understand the world is deficient. All philosophical theaters are deficient in some way, none perfectly representing reality, but some are better than others.

Another string on my fiddle, is that Post Modernism, the philosophy the elite are embracing now, is actually a return to Sophism. Again, perusing my earlier articles illustrates my thinking on this point. The post modernist mental framework is incompatible with modernism in that it eschews objectivity. Whereas modernism is all about objectivity. Objectivity being the fundamental attribute of the modernist mindset, that allowed it to produce the scientific, and industrial revolutions. That is not to say the modernist mental framework is perfect. It is flawed in many ways. Sadly, those flaws are the only parts of modernism the post modernists want to keep. Atheism, humanism, the rationally ordered economy and society. Every concept of modernism that has failed… they embrace. Lacking objectivity.

What we have then is bronze age kings demanding unlimited rule over a space age civilization. In our case, the bronze age despots are not just getting jet aircraft, but nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, and ICBMs. Which are deadly and certain to ruin the world, but mankind could rise from that. Not from an apocalypse generated by AI, Gene editing or hacking into the human mind itself. Anyone can envision dozens of ways giving fools such technology, and an unlimited license to use it, will go terribly bad for humanity. Returning to a Bronze age mental framework will only exacerbate the problem. Leaving us two options. Become like the Amish, else force a return to the best ideas of modernism… objectivism, individualism and natural law, rethink the bad ones, then go from there.


John Pepin

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