Dear Friends,
It seems to me that if a person has a problem with an addiction the best answer is not to open up the supply to his or her drug. A heroin addict for example. Is it in his best interests to have unlimited supply to heroin? Of course, it is true, that an unlimited free supply would alleviate the financial problems related to uncontrolled heroin use. But there are other negative results of unrestrained heroin use that would be exacerbated by unlimited access.
Lets take another example. A person who is addicted to gambling. Would it be in his or her best interests to give that person unlimited access to credit? Is it possible that unlimited access to credit could possibly not be in the person’s best interests?
If you had a friend who bought some foodstuff to extreme. Say… meat. They spent every penny on meat. So much so that almost all of it spoiled. They bought so much meat that they went into deep debt. You intervene and say, “stop buying so much meat, it is bankrupting you.” But they reply, “But I have to eat.” Then borrow money to buy more meat to replace the meat that has recently spoiled. Would you secure a loan for 60 billion dollars of credit? Would that really solve their problem? What if they promised not to buy so much meat. Would that make you feel secure enough to co sign a loan with them?
This is exactly what Greece is doing. Some government is necessary to prevent chaos. Or the perpetual state of warfare man versus man. But socialists, communists and progressives cannot see an end to the growth of government. When you try to argue that they have bought so much most is going bad they react as if you want to chose the doors of parliament. Striking and calling for the continued unlimited growth of government.
Communists and socialist have weekly general strikes. Shutting down society and lowering Greece’s GDP. They have no remorse about lowering the lot of the Greek citizen to advance their aims. The only thing that makes them toss at night is the thought of a baby escaping the abortionists knife.
In this instance does it make sense to cosign on a loan to Greece for $60 billion dollars? Does this really make sense to you? They have a problem with spending… not revenue. If their revenue is hurting they have only to look in the mirror to see the culprit. They have no one to blame but themselves for building such a burdensome State. A State so heavy that crushes the economy it rides on.
Giving Greece that money is no different than dropping atomic bombs on Greece. At least that would be quicker. Giving the heroin addict unlimited access to heroin will only kill him slowly and painfully.
But the European socialist States cannot allow Greece to fail. Greece’s failure would be their failure. Greece is on the same road the Elite in Europe and America have put us on. Greece is just one or two stops down the line. We will be there before you know it. When we do…
People will lament, ‘how could this possibly have happened?’ Ignoring the lessons of Greece, FDR’s America, and the Stagflation Jimmy Carter and the Democrats visited on the USA in the late 1970’s, etc…. Lessons unlearned must be taught again, and again and again… if necessary.
Nature is as unforgiving as she is predictable. Let go of a ball and it will fall. To lament that it does so is foolish and childish. Children stop and carry on when they stub their toe… then do it again the next time they pass that way. Adults say ‘ouch,’ note the danger, and move on.
Hopefully our enlightened economists and lawgivers will learn the lesson this time… But I am not hopeful.