A Tool Of Demolition

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Post Modernism is a bulldozer, clearing the way for the new world order. Once the modern world order has been totally obliterated, by post modernism’s absurdities and the new one steps in… everything post modern will be outlawed. Punishable by execution. Because the elites foisting the craziness on us know it’s a tool. Their plan is to smash the nation state to make way for a global administrative state. In their fevered dreams they (the expert administrators) actually believe they’ll be Aristotle’s philosopher kings. If some peons suffer today, it’ll be worth it, because the future will be glorious, under a global totalitarian administrative state. Where wrongthink is a mortal offense, eugenics controls population and post modern architecture will be demolished, for real art.

Let’s face it, for all the elite’s talk of sustainability, there’s no less sustainable system than post modernism. Since absurdity isn’t and can never be a long term solution for the ills of mankind, post modernism is therefore a tool to destroy the present paradigm, to create the chaos they need to replace it, with something else. Sterilizing the children doesn’t lead to a large population, forcing everyone to take an untested mrna shot doesn’t lead to a healthy population, just as abusing the court system destroys our faith in it. These aren’t sustainable policies. No system can withstand such abuse of reality for long. Which is why the elite are doing it… to build up tension until the whole thing comes apart. Proving, post modernism is a tool of destruction, and not a sustainable future system.

The arrogance of those who think themselves Aristotle’s philosopher kings is only matched by their lack of wisdom. What could be more foolish than to consider oneself a philosopher king? Bestowing oneself with the omniscience and omnipotence to rule the world with absolute control. No one need make a mistake again, because the experts are here to make them for you. On a grander scale. Some people are ashamed of past failures, but not our philosopher king experts. Their past failures are only proof they need more power, more money and less culpability. The failures of others are unacceptable though. A hypocrite is no one to mess with. Thinking all the problems they create are the fault of arrogant janitors, ditch diggers and homeless people, for not following orders.

Once the arrogant egoists are in charge, they’ll abandon the system that destroyed ours, and will replace it with a global despotism. While capitalism, freedom and fairness has created prosperity beyond imagining, a perpetually rising standard of living and longevity, those same things lower the utility of wealth and power. So they have to go. The elite believe despotism’s only drawback, is the ability of the people to escape it… and the pernicious examples of free societies and their wealth. The plan, according to the WEF, is that the survivors of the reset will live in tiny apartments, within walking distance to everything they need. A Walmart for example. We won’t have cars, they give people too much mobility. No traveling, news will be strictly controlled, as will be thought.

The new global order will have no room for freedom and especially post modernist foolishness. Because the elite will understand post modernism is a tool of destruction, like dynamite, to blow up systems. They will have used it to destroy the world… and won’t want their global despotic system blown up! Migration will be met with summary executions at the border. Migrants create chaos, and in the future despotic global system, chaos will be suppressed with bullets. Why do I say this? By looking at history. Communists and fascists come to power in the midst of chaos, then once in power, they clamp down and enforce order. This is the path every one has taken, and so, why wouldn’t they take the same path this time? Globally. Making post modernism a tool… a tool of our demolition.


John Pepin

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