A Great Turning

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… we are at the beginning of a great turning. If not a historical repeat, our present age is at least a reflection of the shift from the Romantic Era, to the Victorian,. The Victorian era was largely due to a repudiation of the anything goes attitudes, and actions, of those in the romantic era. Today, we are at the end of an era similar to the Romantic… in that it is characterized by, lack of self restraint, the gross is elevated to the sublime, evil is called good and good is called evil. Our media epitomizes Kipling’s God of the Copybook Headings, reporting, “fire no longer burns and water no longer wets.” Like the youth at the end of the Romantic era, our youth witness the emptiness of hedonism, as well as the lies and intolerance of the Left… and are repulsed by what they see.

We are not taught history in school, we are indoctrinated in the dominant paradigm, and “history,” or “Social Studies,” as it is now called, is just a tool to harden the brain washing. As a result, most of us don’t really know anything about history. This makes it much easier for others to manipulate us. The history of the romantic era was far more bawdy then most of us realize. Romanticism was full of drugs, sex and even Satanism. Classics of literature from that era include, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, in which the entire story was written under the effects of Morphine. The ballad follows his “trip” while under the drug. (Which both normalizes taking drugs and romanticizes them as well). It was required reading when I was in school, a good anti drug message… not!

The dominant paradigm today, is identical to Romanticism in all respects… even including Satan worship, which has come out in the open. Satanists demand to put statues to Lucifer in the public square. Our culture lionizes drugs, as did the Romantics, remember when all the fashion models had the addict look? Our cultural, political, and astoundingly enough, scientific elite, shun the enlightenment’s advances, as the Romantics did Classicism. It could be argued that our hedonistic culture is a reaction to the staid culture of our grandparents. Just as the Romantic era was a rejection of the Enlightenment and Classicism. Moreover, the pendulum has reached it’s apex, in mindless egoism, emotion over reason, selfishness over self control, and a total lack of class… and is swinging back.

We see the beginnings of the return to sanity in the Walkaway movement. The dam has been breached, and our youth will start becoming ever more conservative as they witness the ruined lives, epidemic depression, lack of thankfulness, etc… that we are reaping from toxic post modernism. They are escaping the naked manipulations of leftists selling them hedonism, socialism, intolerance, bigotry and racism as virtues. They are looking at the wreckage our culture has created and find it revolting. As the initial trickle of youth, away from socialism, hedonism and nihilism turns to a torrent, the antics of those losing power will become ever more extreme. Recognize it for what it is though… the last gasps of a dying paradigm, desperately clutching at power that washes from it’s fingers like water.

They say that history repeats itself, or at least rhymes… In this case they couldn’t be more right. The times in which we find ourselves, at least rhymes with the end of the Romantic era, and the start of the Victorian. The parallels are too many to dismiss. Any long look at human history will reveal that human philosophies swing back and forth, from reason to emotion and back. Today we are ruled by emotion, but our youth, those kids with their pants down to their thighs, piercings from head to toe, adorned with tattoos that would make a 1940’s sailor blush… and sporting black lipstick. Those kids are the beginning of a new age of reason, classicism, Victorian or whatever repeat of history you want to use to name it. Perhaps the bandaged finger will not go, “wabbling back to the fire…” this time.


John Pepin

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