A few random thoughts…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a nation that holds a 19 year old Marine to a much higher standard of conduct than a 65 year old woman who has been in politics her whole life, is a nation gone off the rails. A nation that calls it’s income tax system voluntary, but if you don’t pay it, police besiege your house for months and arrest everyone you know if they helped you whatsoever, is a 1984 style police state. A country that claims it rule buy the consent of the governed is a government that is using newspeak. A government that funds the slaughter of babies is a government that has established Baal as the state religion. A government that actively spies on reporters, is the arbiter of what is fake news and what is not, does not have free speech. A legal system that allows the politically favored to get away with fraud, embezzlement, murder, tax cheating, and even pedophilia, is a legal system that practices arbitrary rule.

A state that takes your paycheck on your way to work because you were speeding, for your own good, is a state that lives by avarice. A government that regulates your every action, but is above all law, is a government that is tyrannical. An agency that fines a corporation billions of dollars for wrongdoing, yet doesn’t charge anyone with a criminal act, is engaging is theft from the shareholders. A media that goes apoplectic over innuendo for one party, while ignoring actual abuse of power form the other, is a media complicit in creating autocracy. A state that destroys families, then laments the results, is a state of insanity. A state that thinks it can support the people, is a state that believes a house’s roof, properly built, can hold the foundation off the ground.

A people that care more for a baby seal than a baby human being, are a people lost. A faction that destroys it’s opponents, rather than their arguments, is a faction that cares nothing for truth. A people who when confronted by great evil, turn their heads, are a people destined for great suffering. Educators who teach proven falsehoods, political ideology and/or racism disguised as anti racism, are teaching ignorance. People who think they can live at the expense of others are people without conscience. Just as a person who tolerates abuse will be abused… a citizenry that tolerates abuse will also be abused.

A religion that openly calls for warfare against everyone else is not a religion of peace. A philosopher who lives in opposition to how that philosopher demands of others is a sophist. A person who holds others to a higher standard than him or herself is hypocrite. An idea that leads to the death of ten perhaps hundreds of million people is not a good one. An economic system that always creates famine is not fair. Ideas are what our world is built on, while a notion is a thing a pretty little girl gets in her head, and calling every idea, a notion, subtly delegitimizes the products of our minds. Judges that rule by their personal or political ideology, rather than law, pervert the law.

Cultures that worship violence will become violent. Societies that honor civilized behavior will be civil. Industrious people will be wealthy while lazy people will be poor. Corrupt people will not be trusted as trustworthy people will be. While some may say it is better to appear just than to be just, injustice is always eventually discovered and when it is, the reputation earned through injustice is justly deserved. People led by corrupt leaders will be corrupt. There will always be bad people, but in good societies, bad people will be put to good use. There will always be good people, and in bad societies, they will be put to bad use.


John Pepin

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