A Contract with Europe

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, European so called right wing parties need to get together, and coalesce into a unified membership, standing behind a “contract.” If their economic policies, immigration policies and governance, were aligned and clear, they would become a power to be reckoned with. Today, with them scattered on economic policy, subject to the criticism of racist, without a coherent message other than stop the invasion, they are easily undermined and marginalized. The fact they are making such a good showing at the polls this year, is because of the catastrophic results of the elite’s plan to replace the population of Europe, with people used to tyranny. The elite are simply following their hero Marx’s dictum, “if the people don’t embrace the revolution, replace the people…”

A contract to run under eliminates any confusion about what they stand for… and it is confusion that allows the left to undermine the positions of the right. Historically when Newt Gingrich created the “Contract with America” that resulted in the sweeping in of republicans to the US congress. It was the first time republicans had control of that legislative body in decades. Despite the media vilifying it, and claiming it said something it didn’t, the wording was clear and unambiguous and the message bypassed the media, if elected we will return to Constitutional rule. This is the means to stopping the replacing of the European culture with a third world culture. Writing a clean unambiguous contract, what we will do if elected, and everyone agreeing to it, would instantly get them gravitas and solidify their message.

The libertarian “right” in Europe should avow their preference for, a free enterprise system, support of private property, anti racist, pro life, pro Christian, and limited government. Sadly, the “right” is a mishmash of ideologies on these fronts. This allows the left, which is unanimous on their policies of hatred… European culture, Christianity, freedom, limited government and free markets. Such open hatred crosses party boundaries and many on the right believe as the left does, on some important issues… they are socialists, antisemitic, statists who favor unlimited government. The libertarian right needs to differentiate itself from the faux right and autocratic right. Writing a conservative contract with Europe, that is endorsed by top right wing politicians around Europe, would be a great start.

Immigration needs to be front and center in any such contract. Europe needs to put and end to train refugees. Every nation within the EU pledging to take in native refugees from their neighboring countries only. Trains of refugees are only economic migrants and not true refugees. International law says a refugee should take refuge in the closest country free of strife. Yet, they are passing through countries that have the same culture, for nations who’s culture the refugees abhor. The libertarian right should, in their contract, Pledge to remove all immigrants who commit crimes, to their native countries, at taxpayer expense, protecting and transferring all property they have acquired. Once they are in their native countries, they can petition to come back if they have a valid reason to do so.

The race is on. If the elite in Europe today can import sufficient immigrants, it will be impossible to remove them, thus insuring wide spread violence takes place in Europe, culminating in Genocide. Either, of the native Europeans, or the newcomers. Either way it will be an avoidable human catastrophe. True, the violence will create conditions where everyone will demand unlimited government, to stem the chaos. Which to the psychopaths that run Europe today is a good thing. Our TVs show us the violence in London, Paris, Sweden and elsewhere in Europe has already begun. The governments are, in true Hegelian style, becoming ever more despotic “to stop the violence.” The only way to stop the slide to outright genocide is for the libertarian right to get control. For that, they need a Contract with Europe.


John Pepin

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