Absurdity; Our Courts In Action

Dear Friends,

It seems amazing to me, that the courts claim our constitution protects unconstitutional actions and spending, by our government. It’s a ridiculous stance. The First amendment, pretty important since it’s first, bans government from censorship. Yet USAID was spending hundreds of millions to censor. Even after that revelation, of literal unconstitutional actions, democrats are using lawfare to defend it. While the courts go along. Another thing our Constitution bans is establishing a state religion. Yet the progressive courts have established atheism as the state religion. Again using tax money to violate our Constitution. Freedom of assembly? Well, Jan 6th taught us how the elite follow that edict. Which tells me, our government has become the opposite of the Founders intent. It’s absurdity.

I wonder if USAID paid for the pallets of bricks delivered to street corners during the summer of love 2020. Seems like the type of expenditure USAID is known for. Building consensus to revolution. In 2020 the deep state wanted to get rid of Trump. By Covid, riot and election fraud, the elite made it happen. Then doubled down on their extra constitutional side hussles. Once the globalist elitist faction was back in power. The democrats then handed out even more money in grift. USAID had a budget of forty nine billion dollars a year when Trump took office. Tens of billions of hard earned tax money handed out to NGOs, terrorists and used to violate our Constitution. If violating our Constitution, is protected by our Constitution, as the courts claim, it’s absurd.

I hear USAID was spending hundreds of millions of dollars to propagandize the American people. Through Politico, and other unbiased news outlets, the censors in the bureaucracy were controlling what we were allowed to say. Thereby controlling our thoughts. A blatant violation of its obligation under our Constitution. Moreover, the unconstitutional administrative state is pushing atheism on us. Through the media, courts and in the public schools. Again using our tax dollars to violate our Constitution. Establishing atheism as the state religion. Then, when its pointed out, they claim atheism isn’t a religion! Proving they know they have established atheism as the state religion! But its okay, since atheism isn’t a religion. As the courts go along with this absurdity.

The court system proved itself utterly corrupt when it exposed its double standards to the world. As it was paying arsonists, muggers and rioters millions in damages, because the police stopped them… they were jailing peaceful protesters on the other side, without bail or trial, for wrongthink. Talk about a lack of self awareness! Those same courts, that so violated the Constitutional Rights of the Jan 6th protesters, is now ruling they run the country. In direct violation of the plain wording of our Constitution. The Executive and Legislative are redundant. They have ruled they deserve, need and must have all the power of government. The rest of government is only there to serve the judiciary and bureaucracy. Anything less is a violation of their self serving interpretation of our Constitution.

Our courts claim that a President can create an agency with the stroke of a pen… but another President can’t delete that agency, at the same stroke of a pen. A self contradicting stance that shows a lack of wisdom and integrity. Due to the obvious absurdity. Do you think ridiculous people without accountability should run the government from the bench? With the utter hubris, to claim that our Constitution protects unconstitutional actions and spending. They’ve got away with it, because there’s no cost for violating our Constitution, there’s only benefit. Corrupt courts abet crime, and with censorship, there isn’t even a political downside. It’s time to apply consequences, or the government will destroy itself, and us. Because absurdity never lasts long.


John Pepin

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