
Dear Friends,


The back stabbing elites are hitting home runs,

Shooting prisoners salting ground and that’s no pun,

It’s all a game,

They’re the same,

As those who sent loyal Tommie’s charging machine guns.


Propaganda is powerful you see,

It’s deployed against you and me,

Some riots are okay,

Not for Brits any day,

And the chaos won’t stop until you’re no longer free.


The anger has been brewing from beneath,

Pressurizing in censorship till it does seethe,

Hegel’s plan all along,

Speaking up is wrong,

And since the government ripped out their tongues now all they have are teeth.


The hoax must be maintained as we all know,

Most marks accept the con and go with the flow,

Not that scientist you say,

He explains the con away,

And the patsies might take their money and go.


The monster controls the top echelon,

Speak not lest ye draw the eye of Sauron,

Always seeking a feast,

Be wary of the beast,

But if no one speaks the demon has already won.


Two tier policing proves the beloved of labor,

Shut up if you don’t have their political favor,

It’s not the people on the street,

The problem is the corrupt elite,

And the solution is to point out their dirty little caper.



John Pepin

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