Censorship And The Despotic State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, speech laws forcing speech or forbidding speech, are the direct manifestations of the tyrannical power of a despotic state. Once the State can censor and force speech it has become unlimited. An elitist may argue that an unlimited State is unlimited in the good it can do. While history argues that unlimited States always visit unlimited evil on the people. As the Climate change hoax shows, when progressive theory goes against empirical results, its the results that are changed. To protect the narrative, history will have to be rewritten. So the elite can visit unlimited good on us. Whether we like it or not. Regardless of the memory holing soon to come… unlimited government is an evil that’s wise to avoid, and stupid to embrace. Even for the would be despots.

The globalist managerial progressive faction is the hegemonic faction in the world today. They are the “new class.” Moreover, progressives see themselves as more moral, smarter and their goal is worthy of any atrocity… so why follow the ethics of their lessers? The goal of the hegemonic progressive faction is a Star Trek like utopia. They figure, if unlimited government is what it takes to get there, the surviving rest of us will thank them later. Forgetting that Hegemony doesn’t last forever… today’s elite will not be in power till the end of time. (Unless they plan on bringing in the End Times). Once someone else is in power, they will have access to all the despotic tools, the progressives have put into the hands of the despotic State. To be used by their creator against their creators. The new class.

History is very critical of unlimited government. Even the “good” kings of old were mass murderers. Like Alexander the great, Marcus Aurelius, and Charlemagne. Unlimited government has always resulted in unlimited suffering, and poverty… as the real capital, the human capital, is squandered in war. Moreover, if the wars are successful, the result is long term stagnation. Because why better yourself if there’s plenty of money? Once the stolen gold is spent though, the layabouts have no skills, work habits or gumption. Because there’s nothing like unearned money to get people to waste their own talents. War requires censorship, else it’s more likely to go badly. So even “good kings” at war must abuse their citizens, to create inescapable poverty for them.

Most people think in words. Which means, if we’re denied words, then we’re denied thoughts. At least the ability to think those thoughts in so many words. Therefore, if the State presumes to control speech, the real goal is to control thought. The State that seeks to control the very thoughts of the people, for everyone’s benefit (the legalist argument the State is all that counts), is one that presumes itself omnipotent, omniscient and saintly. Human beings are none of those things though. Plus, nothing created by flawed human beings, can be flawless. Which leads us to conclude the State the presumes to censor is crazy. Because it’s the hallmark of insanity to think and believe things that are impossible. Like that a State can be omniscient, omnipotent or saintly.

The only way censorship can be a sustainable solution to mankind’s thirst for freedom, is if the economy collapses so much, people need food more than a voice. That’s the only historically successful way for a despotic state to stifle speech in the long term. As the North Korean example shows. Make life so hard, and punishment so severe, the people haven’t the energy let alone the backbone to speak up. Making public examples of those who muster the spirit to mouth off. Which appears to be the path the self described omniscient elite have put us on… to reach the goal of utopia. For which no atrocity is out of bounds. States that practice censorship therefore are the acme of despotic governments. Such governments have no legitimate authority. Their censorship proves them redundant.


John Pepin

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