Machiavelli’s Maxim, The People And The Aristocracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re participating in one of Machiavelli’s maxims, being played out. That maxim is, given the choice, a wise prince will seek the backing of the people instead of the aristocracy. Because the people are many and thus powerful while the aristocracy are few and in truth weak. Our aristocracy are the elite. They’ve collectively decided Trump must not be allowed to be President. They connived to deny him his first four years, by the Russian collusion frame, the special council, and Covid. Our aristocracy have proven themselves capable of anything. The forces have taken sides, the globalist elitist faction has almost all the billionaires, the bureaucrats, mockingbird media and experts. Trump has the people. We are literally involved in proving or disproving a Machiavellian maxim.

Trump is in a mortal struggle with the oligarchy. They’ve had it good for a long time and they’re not going to stop now. Trump threatens to derail the gravy train, so they’re getting rid of Trump, even if it means destroying America. The elite have resorted to everything in their arsenal, lawfare, propaganda, piling on, the wrap up smear, weaponized special councils, and biological warfare. Maybe even assassination. With the astoundingly absurd assassination attempt that nearly killed Trump, and did kill an innocent bystander, we have to wonder if it wasn’t a deep state set up? The debate between Trump and the moderators was pretty stark evidence the elite detest the man. Even the most ardent Trump hater has to admit the elite have it in for Trump. Proven by their actions, rhetoric and crimes.

As popular support sloughs off the elite and to the populist Trump, the aristocracy becomes ever more unhinged. Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” Which damns the elites. If we accept this saying as true. The people are realizing they’ve been lied to. Oh, the progressives will always have their core of lunatics, who’ll march into the Lake of Fire right behind them, but most people don’t fall into the category of, “some of the people all the time.” So the globalist progressive elitist faction loses popular support by the day. Moreover, their lies are now having the opposite effect. Since we know they lie constantly, we take the opposite as true now, and find we’re right.

Selling what’s not yours is quite lucrative, and once people get in the business, they hate to stop. Stealing from one or two people can make you comfortable, but stealing from the whole nation, and its future, now, that’ll make you Rothschild rich. Like the elite are doing to us and our posterity. How do you steal from the future? By borrowing trillions of dollars someone else will have to pay back. Either in taxes, or inflation... stealth taxes. A gravy train leaves the station every few minutes loaded with stolen goods. Trump threatens to derail that gravy train… and that’s simply unacceptable to the thieves. That’s why Trump is in mortal combat with our modern aristocracy. They want everything, and he’s trying to protect the last of what we have, from them. He’s in their way.

At the end of these trials, and election, the aristocracy will go insane and call out the storm troops. The aristocracy isn’t done yet. There will be election fraud, alien votes and miscounting used to mitigate Trump’s popular support. Which in the past has worked very well. However, for election fraud to work, there needs to be enough votes to make the fraud plausible. Indeed, without a foundation of actual votes, fraud is insufficient to drag a bad candidate across the finish line. So Trump could indeed win. Then the real fighting starts. Expect the elitists to crawl into the gutter deeper and dirtier than ever before. He will need our backing if we’re to prove Machiavelli’s maxim true. That a wise prince seeks the backing of the people instead of the aristocracy. We’ll see if Machiavelli was right.


John Pepin

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