
Dear Friends,

It seems to me… What do you call rule of the minority, masquerading as the rule of the majority? Bolshevism. That’s exactly what is now meant by Bolshevik. The minority pretending to be the majority, usurping the moral authority of the majority, so the minority can oppress the majority…. and call it just. People who resort to such tactics have the morality of a demon, the integrity of gypsum, and the trustworthiness of a scorpion. They’re fiends who’s power is based on lies. What’s the solution to lies? Truth. That’s why censorship is all the rage today. To protect the Bolshevik lie. That our rulers don’t represent the majority in any way. They’re social, economic and cultural acid. Representing themselves and no one else. Our elites are Bolsheviks in all but name. So lets truthfully name them.

During the October Revolution, the factions voted to see who would be the minority, the Mensheviks, or the majority, the Bolsheviks. Lenin and Trotsky used judicious election fraud, to get a minority faction, the Marxists, named the majority… the Bolsheviks. Forever defining the word as the minority pretending to be the majority. To usurp the authority to oppress the majority. Then he sent death squads out to terrorize the Mensheviks. Birthing Bolshevism in the blood of its political adversaries. Since then, in every incarnation, Bolshevism has washed itself in the blood of innocents. Whatever goal it offers is so glorious, it justifies any atrocity, the reality it delivers however, is industrial inhumanity. The history of Bolshevism informs us of it’s likely machinations today.

When a minority faction pretends to be the majority, Bolsheviks, they’ve proven themselves bereft of integrity. Then go on to pollute everything they touch with their fraud stained fingers. The fruit of the poison tree so to speak. The means taint the ends… if the means are evil. What kind of world would the Nazis have delivered had they won WWII? What kind of living hell would the Marxists have delivered had they won the Cold War? We can interpolate by looking at North Korea. Which is an ugly sight. It’s so repulsive the world community collectively turns its head. Which, judging by history, is what Bolshevism delivers, hell on Earth. This truth should be taught in every school across the planet. That it isn’t, is informative, of the agenda of our education elites.

Election fraud was the tool of the minority pretending to be the majority, then, and it still is today. The faction that opposes any and all efforts at election integrity prove themselves to have no integrity. They’re Bolsheviks in all but name. Because Bolshevism is synonymous with election fraud, or the minority masquerading as the majority. To usurp the moral authority to oppress the majority. Look at what just happened in France. They had a multi day election, so the leftists could reorder themselves, to counter the pending election victory of the right. In Netherlands, Gert Wilders won, but is denied a leadership role in government. The 2020 election in the US is widely known to be a fraud. The prosecutions of people who said as much are proof. Proving Bolshevism is on the rise globally.

Absolute rule by people without integrity, Bolsheviks, can only result in our suffering. Bolshevism leads to censorship, lawfare and unlimited government… to protect the Bolshevik lie. That the ruling class doesn’t represent anyone but themselves. They’re the very definition of the minority pretending to be the majority, to usurp the authority, to oppress the majority. Exposing their lack of integrity and morality. Logically then, how can unlimited rule by fiends, result in anything good? Historically, when has a Bolshevik government delivered anything but industrial inhumanity? Is that what you want for yourself and your kids? Let’s put our shoulders into it and force the truth into the public square. Since Bolshevism is based on lies, truth neutralizes it, like baking soda does to acid.


John Pepin

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