The Upcoming About Face

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, should Trump win, we’ll watch the fastest about face mankind has ever witnessed. Democrats will flip from demanding prison for election deniers, to, arguing that denying elections is a constitutional obligation. Exposing their hypocrisy to anyone with eyes willing to see. So absolute is the lack of self awareness of the left, they won’t even be able to understand their own hypocrisy, when it’s pointed out to them. I predict riots in every major city in America if Trump somehow wins. Despite the tsunami of election fraud that’s stacked up against him… and us. The progressives will call out their Brown Shirts, Antifa and BLM, to sow chaos, and ideally, make the nation ungovernable. Meanwhile, the same deep state that jails election deniers, will do an about face on election denying.

With millions of illegal aliens set to vote, this will be the dirtiest election since the last one. They seem to get more corrupt and more corrupt election cycle by election cycle. Mail in voting is the pinnacle of corruption. With it’s sister peak of digital voting. Both are designed for election fraud. Then you have courts actually overruling the legislature and making it illegal to require voter ID, or even ask for citizenship, when registering to vote! Despite the US Constitution giving election powers explicitly to the legislature. In Post Constitutional Amerika, the courts have no need of the Constitution’s antiquated ideas. Between the courts and the administrative state, the legislature has become redundant… but dangerous. So must be controlled. By the FBI, CIA, along with mail in and digital election fraud.

The deep loathing the American people now have for the elitist, globalist anti human faction, radiates from society like heat from a fire. Despite the blinding gaslighting of polls, lies and censorship, the progressive faction is more hated now than in the 1940s. When they exposed themselves as demons before. Even traditional democrat voters are fed up with the corruption, hypocrisy and anti humanism. In Europe, of all places, populist conservative parties are becoming ascendant. All adding up to make this year a landslide for the conservative faction in the US. Which the elite plan on stopping with election fraud. If that fails though… the progressive faction will turn to open violence again. As they did the first time Trump was elected… when they burned down DC.

This time the progressives will burn down America in their wrath. Cities with strong democrat rule will be the hardest hit. As in the summer of love 2020, when democrats destroyed their cities, in “Fiery but mostly peaceful” riots, and passed Covid across the land, in their rage over Trump’s escaping the Russian collusion frame… pretending it was over a drug addict’s death by fentanyl, while in police custody. In 2017 the progressive faction burned down DC. Damage that I hear still hasn’t been repaired. If the election fraud fails and Trump wins the electoral college, the elite will go insane. Not that they’re actually sane now. But that madness will turn into wrath. Because they’ve broken every law there is, to steal from us, stay in power and limit their foes.

The criminal elite are not only angry about losing power and privilege. but with their crimes they’re afraid of consequences. They are, after all, the worst criminals in human history. Tamerlane killed millions of Hindus mercilessly… but he didn’t create a virus that killed tens of millions. Hitler started the second world war… but he didn’t use biological or chemical weapons. John Wayne Gacey murdered little kids… but he didn’t sterilize them and manipulate them into suicide. These globalist elites in power today have no morals, ethics or standards. They’re literally demons. That’s why they’ll cross any bridge, then turn and burn it… to stay in power. The globalist elitist faction, is full of pride, fear and wrath. Such people are more dangerous than a pack of rabid dogs… and they can turn on a dime.


John Pepin

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