
Dear Friends,


Turns out window cleaners are bright,

With squeegees they stand in the light,

The experts blew it,

Bet you they knew it,

Proving elitism is naught but a blight.


You shall bend to the EU’s rules,

Speaking up is only for fools,

Defying’s a sin,

So take them in,

Or the oligarchy will stomp on your jewels.


Stupidity now walks our land,

The foolish go hand in hand,

Oligarchy is brutal,

Resistance is futile,

But only a moron blurts out the plan.


The bureaucrats yell shout and go around,

Saying things that are quite out of bound,

The elite do scoff,

So lay them all off,

Then raze the infrastructure and salt the ground.


The nightly news has become a laughing stock,

The things they vomit are nothing but crock,

Elitist shills,

Bitter pills,

Bringing in the Beast system and running out the clock.



John Pepin

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