This Is An Historic Election Year

Dear friends,

It seems to me, this is a critical election year for nations across the planet. Britain just had an election, where Reform received 4 million votes and 4 seats, while Lib Dems received 3.2 million votes and 71 seats. Proving the British elite have saved democracy. In France, National Rally is the biggest vote getter in the first round of elections, and their victory is met with riots from the left. Imagine the outrage if the conservatives rioted in Britain because they lost? Then there’s the US. The administrative state has its hands full. Since deep state Biden is failing at everything. Saving democracy from the voters this year is going to be tough. If they don’t though, and Trump should get elected, the elitists will have their storm troops riot, and make America ungovernable again. Like in 2020.

In France Marine LePen’s National Rally is set to win big. Which is a shocking result if you think about it. They’ve faced decades of wall to wall propaganda against their policies, slandered in the press without mercy, and the elite have even talked of banning them. Like they’re talking openly about banning the AFD in Germany. In Europe, nothing speaks of defending elections, more than democracy affirming banning of populist parties. Because everyone should only seek the best interests of the elite. This outrage, the election of National Rally, has so infuriated the left, they’ve called out their “Sturmabteilung” to burn France down. Punishing the French for their treachery. One wonders if the left will get away with it in France, under National Rally, like they have everywhere else?

In Britain, the people are so fed up with the communistic policies of the Tories, they’ve voted in Marxists to replace them. Labor will increase the migration crisis, raise taxes and regulations, while rejoining the EU, to insure the British people never get a say in Britain again. Should the conservatives riot however, the press would be quick to call for their arrests, and imprisonment without bail or trial, to make examples of them. Like American fascists did to Jan 6th protesters. Even as Islamists are given room to vent in London. Britain will be in a world of hurt in a year. It may not even exist as a sovereign nation in 10 years. Under Labor it could become the British state of Europe. Like Tibet is a state in China. Britain will be a vassal state under the wise and despotic leadership of Labor.

In the US this years election is shaping up to be a hum dinger. In every other avenue the introduction of digital computers has created huge gains in efficiency. Except elections. When we cast paper ballots, counted by hand, the results were known the next morning… now with digital, it takes sometimes weeks. Which is handy when it comes to election fortification by fraud. You don’t want to introduce too many votes into the system, else it becomes obvious… and too few, loses the election. So they need the delay to figure out how many votes are required to win by 10k. With 8 million illegals poised to cast votes in the election the democrats thought they had it in the bag. Except, with Biden crashing and burning, 18 million may not be enough… let alone 8 million. Causing the deep state to panic.

What is becoming obvious though, is that where populists win, there will be riots, arson and iconoclasm. To punish the voters. Where the elitists win, there will be despotism, poverty, war and suffering on a national scale. Regardless of who wins an election, the progressive elitists are determined to lower the lot of humanity… whether in power, or out. It’s the left that’s pushing the agenda of chaos, war, socialism, crime and migration. We see it in France with the riots, in Britain with Labor’s policies and in the US, with deep state Biden dismantling our Constitutional system. Yup, this year will show if elections have any ability to change the direction of a nation, despite the wishes of the elites that run it. Giving our votes unprecedented power to make history.


John Pepin

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