
Dear Friends,


The elite these days are queer,

It’s absurdity that they hold dear,

The elite don’t jest,

And they won’t rest,

Until the Beast system is here.


The Trump trial and conviction is merely a distraction.

Law being exploited to break up political compaction.

A jury cesspool,

Law is a tool,

And the damage is done because the democrats can’t get traction.


The courts are corrupt as hell,

Politics and the DOJ as well,

Play us for a fool,

The law is a tool,

As Thrasymachus to Socrates did tell.


Stealing money from out of your pocket,

The billionaire’s trick you can’t knock it,

Take from the poor,

Then take more,

Until the villains end up on a court docket.


To progressive mouths it tastes sweet,

Justice has now gone down in defeat,

Our eyes they’ve sewn,

We’ve always known,

Anyone could be targeted and now even the elite.



John Pepin

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