Manipulating Language, Thought And Action

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the left’s ability to manipulate language, allows them to flip right into wrong and good into evil. In doing so they control thought itself. This strategy to manipulate the masses has worked astonishingly well. Control what people think of a thing and you can make the most evil palatable. Edward Bernays noticed the low spot, dug the channel, and others have widened and deepened it since. In Nazi Germany there were propaganda films, justifying the heartless extermination of the mentally retarded… in the name of compassion! With public support the Nazis systematically then liquidated the mentally retarded. Manipulation of language then precedes that of thought and then of action. Which makes the manipulation of language more dangerous than bank robbery, murder and wire fraud.

There’s the example of the nuns in Canada saving orphans, who’s reputation was turned from selfless and nurturing, to mass murderers… by the media. The result has been multitudes of retaliatory church burnings. The story was eventually discredited as a hoax… but the churches still lay in ashes. Stochastic terrorism at it’s most effective. In this case, we see the good flipped into evil, by media propaganda. Next that language effected thought, creating anger and ideas of just retribution for the perceived evil. Lastly the manipulation of language and thought culminated in arson. Literal destruction of places of worship… without consequence for those truly responsible. This is but one example of multitudes in the media, where the innocent were set upon, due to lies.

Puritan is now a negative word. It’s a pejorative. Because we all know that adherence to God and his laws is too zealous. Better to be zealous about abortion. Mangling the word has had many benefits for the manipulators however. Any good act, thought or even compassion itself, can be denigrated as “puritan.” Humility can become a negative if it’s puritanical. No one wants to be puritan in their thinking… better to be cosmopolitan. Because, the slut life is far better than having a family, cooking Christmas dinners and sleeping with the same man. Sure, you die alone, lonely and hopeless, but at least you weren’t puritanical about it. The perversion of that word is but one example. Gay used to mean happy, now it means homosexual. Mixing happiness with homosexuality is pure manipulation.

The left gets around establishing atheism as the State religion, in direct violation of the US Constitution, by claiming it’s not a religion. Which is another manipulation of language. As Kung Sung Lung (an ancient Chinese philosopher) once said, “A white horse is not a horse but a black or yellow one is…” He used language to prove the impossible, establishing language as a poor medium of communication. When is a white horse not a horse, or a religion not a religion? When the elite want it so. Therefore, even as the elite claim the state must be atheist, and thus hostile to Christianity as the predominant religion, atheism isn’t a religion… and so establishing it as the state “philosophy,” is acceptable under the non establishment clause of the US Constitution, in Amendment One.

By changing the definition of words elitists work great mischief in the world. Stochastic terrorism, relabeling as a political expedient, and establishing their religion, (atheism) as the state religion, for example. This has been a profitable tactic for the progressive elite for so long, they’ll never give it up… willingly. People are noticing the manipulations though. Manipulation of language and thought must be done in the dark. Once seen, the slight of hand becomes obvious, and the mark becomes aware. Giving us a window of opportunity to make manipulation of language as hated as cigarettes… by vilifying it so much. Any hint of language manipulation, should be considered by the people, like lighting up a Lucky in a bureaucrat’s office, blowing smoke in her face, and using her floor as an ashtray.


John Pepin

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