The Swindling Of America

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in Biden’s America you feel swindled, because you are being swindled. The clear and obvious double standard in law enforcement, mind numbing inflation as the Fed strangles us and our pay, are a few signs. While the media claims everything is fine and GDP is rising fast! Not because your fortune is rising, it’s falling, but because the government is printing and spending so much. The government is stirring up a nuclear war, like a batch of biscuits. Which creates angst. Our cities are being flooded with people from across the world, with only one skill… how to apply for welfare. Meanwhile, taxes are rising fast to make the creditors think they’ll get their money back… before it’s inflated away. Which makes us feel swindled… because we are being swindled.

Biden’s administration’s policies, and the government’s response to Covid, took the US from a peak of prosperity to a low in poverty. Shutting down all “non essential” business was the acme of stupidity. The very pinnacle of idiocy was surmounted by adding stimulus to the shutdowns. Which, put another way, stimulated aggregate demand while suppressing aggregate supply. From that singularly bad decision came waves of inflation. Magnified by the Biden administrations’ fascination with regulation, government spending and war. The Fed thinks it’s possible to strangle the little guy fast enough to keep up with government printing and spending… the little guy, who’s face is turning blue, disagrees though. Which is why we feel like there’s an economic elephant on our chests.

Chaos has become normalized under the Biden administration. Mass shootings have become like a dog mauling. No matter how horrific, the media downplays it, if they report it at all. Being careful not to let out the reasons for the mass shootings. We’re left to our own devices to come up with why. Because the government prosecutes those who release manifestos like Audrey Hale’s. Streets that were perfectly safe only four years ago have become like movie sets from Mad Max. Would you walk alone down the streets of San Francisco, Portland or Seattle at night? The homeless tents, feces and needles littering the streets might give some pause. Even as the government is exploited as a political weapon against Rudy Giuliani, the city he cleaned up has become a dumpster fire, again.

For the first time in forty years we’re under the literal threat of nuclear annihilation. Now that’s progress! Since Reagan defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and Russia became an ally, the US has lived under relative peace and prosperity. The Biden administration fixed that. Now they’re actually talking about instituting a draft, to amass an army to send to Ukraine… and obviously, fight Russia. An alliance with Russia had some benefits, cheap energy for Europe, a source of cultural exchange, and a lack of threat of nuclear annihilation. There are trade offs though. Peace isn’t profitable to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). And when the MIC is low on cash… so are the bribes they hand out to the elites. So the elite’s had to solve that problem… and war with Russia solves it nicely.

Perhaps the threat of burning to death in nuclear fire, the chaos, and our diminishing standard of living are what’s causing us to feel betrayed and swindled… or maybe we’re just whining. Perhaps the elite are right we just need to tighten our belts for the betterment of mankind. Like they’re doing. Or are they? Do you see any elite tightening their belt? Are any of them wasting away as they waddle to the all you can eat surf and turf buffet? If there are… I haven’t seen them. The elite live higher off the hog today then ever before. Making them hypocrites. Even as we wade in crime, poverty and fear of war. They get rich, live in opulence, and have well stocked bunkers, we paid for. That’s why we feel like we’re being swindled… because we are being swindled. Realization is the first step to stopping it.


John Pepin

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