SCOTUS and Protests

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if we take the democrats at their word, then they’re are calling for the execution of Supreme Court Justices. Only a few decades ago, when SCOTUS was on their side, they unanimously claimed anyone criticizing any SCOTUS decision, was tantamount to calling for the execution of Judges. They were adamant about it at the time. Going on to say that judges are wise and honest, thus would never allow politics to change the way they rule. Which is why the change in attitude is so amazing. Democrat’s past policies are memory holed… but being an old guy, I remember it. Lately, democrats have actually called for SCOTUS to be controlled by adding members, forcing an “integrity” panel to oversee them and assassination attempts during the ruling nullifying Roe v Wade.

In the 1990’s democrats vilified any criticism of a SCOTUS decision as stochastic terrorism. Even TV shows spouted that rhetoric. At the time, SCOTUS was empowering the bureaucracy with decisions that moved legislative power, from the legislature to the bureaucracy. A move democrats hailed as a bold step, towards the administrative state they have scrapped and connived for, for over a century. Many conservatives at the time didn’t like the usurpation of power so we protested. But as in Jan 6 2021, our protests were met with threats of prison. Because protesting a SCOTUS decision was effectively calling for the assassination of Supreme Court Justices. Or so the democrats claimed at the time. Something all sane people are against… but apparently democrats are for nowadays.

Today democrats have a love hate relationship with judges. Those who have open double standards are loved, while those who follow the law and most horribly, our Constitution, are despised. Even as democrats laud judge Merchan’s unconstitutional gag order on Trump, the unconstitutional charges against Alex Jones as well as the judge deeming him guilty without a trial, the denial of standing to anyone who felt aggrieved by the 2020 election fraud, the jailing of jan 6th protesters for years without bail or trial, as well as past rulings nullifying our Constitutional protections like Buck v Bell, Korematsu and Wickard v Filburn. Yet, rulings judges hand down that are in compliance with our Constitution and the rule of law, are vilified as partisan and v by democrats.

The progressive faction lacks integrity. Judged by their actions and rhetoric. Their only virtue is unchecked power over others. The progressives make up the entire bureaucracy, most judges, media, the Democrat party and half the Republican party as well, making the progressives the faction Madison warned us about in Federalist Paper #10. Why have integrity when you control all three branches of government, the media, congress, the Presidency, and the courts? That would do violence to their self interest. People like animals seek their self interest at cost to others. It’s nature. As a result, when a faction is above the law, they act it. Like we see with democrats today. Ethics and integrity are for those who are subject to public opinion, the law and justice. Not progressives.

I say, let’s hold democrats to their own standard. Anything less would be making the entire progressive faction hypocrites. We don’t want that! So, contact your senator and representative, write the media and protest… demanding democrats who criticism a SCOTUS decision… be charged. Especially when democrats protest outside judges homes, as they did during the decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Hold democrats to the same standard they hold us to, don’t abet a double standard… and progressives will stop being hypocrites. Because they’ll have no choice. Obviously they aren’t going to become virtuous under their own power. They’re too corrupt. So it’s up to us to enforce a single standard for democrats as well as republicans. Especially when we’re simply following the democrat’s own rhetoric.


John Pepin

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