Election Integrity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, knowing an election is rigged, but hoping there will be enough votes to overwhelm the corruption… is a sub optimal strategy to get an optimal outcome. It will always fail, because those with the power to engage in systematic vote fraud, without consequence, will do what needs to be done. If you could rob banks without consequence, and you owed a thug a million dollars… what would you do? You would rob as many banks as it took to get the money. They will conjure up as many “votes” as they need to avoid prison for their past crimes. If too many people vote, so there are insufficient uncast ballots, to cast, then the elite will just switch some. Elections are a legitimating mechanism, not a means to choose leaders anymore. We have progressed beyond that.

That strategy failed in 2020, we know it because, why else would the elite have shut down all lawsuits with standing, silenced investigations with social media censorship, and ringed DC with two divisions of military? A guilty person acts like a guilty person. Since the “election” of 2020 the elite have suppressed the reporting about the open, obvious and clear election fraud. From the counting becoming a black box when it appeared Trump had it in the bag, to no signature verification at all, to protect the honesty of the mailed in ballots. Then there was the mailed in ballots. The founders are rolling in their graves at that injustice. Plan on seeing more democracy undermining innovations this November. Like wolves, the elite are not going to go away, just because the crowding sheep vote them gone.

If elections are seen as fraudulent, they have no legitimacy, and the elected lose their authority. That is why the democrats are so adamant the reporting about their crimes be censored. The elite no longer see elections as a mechanism for choosing leaders, but a legitimating means to legitimize their usurpation, by tricking us into thinking the rest of us voted for it. Then backing up the lie with the mockingbird media. The administrative state has no need of the Constitutional government anymore. Except as an increasingly threadbare dress covering their naked tyranny. They need us to believe the elections are not theater else the play loses its punch. You cannot manipulate someone who is in on the game. Unless that is the game. Make us roaster chickens think we are family dogs, until…

Combine election fraud with the suppression of speech, and even thought itself, and you have the recipe for authoritarianism. With the invention of total surveillance, the coming global administrative state will be able to pluck anyone that shows a hint of counter revolutionary thinking, before they can infect others with wrongthink. Then the whole world will forever become Mao’s Great Leap Forward. The reality is, many if not most of the elite believe, they don’t need the vast majority of us. We are just holding them back. With our archaic morals, thinking anyone should be able to speak, and our belief in foolish notions like consent of the governed (or in our case… ruled). If you begrudge most of the people our very lives, why would you allow them to speak, or especially, heavens to Betsy, vote!

People who would engage in such activities deserve three hots and a cot, in a penitentiary, not setting pretty in power for the rest of their lives. They think they will win by cheating again. It has apparently served them well in the past… or has it? Soon it will be obvious their 2020 election fraud was the worse thing the elite could have done to themselves. Epstein, energy, covid and open corruption have exposed them for who they are, and as people realize what the elite have done, getting voted out of office will be the least of their worries. The elite best fear the Robespierres they are building by disenfranchisement. Wouldn’t restoring actual democracy, and a reckoning, be better for us all though? To do that, we must act (demand election integrity) before the election is stolen… again.


John Pepin

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