World Verging on Crisis

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the World is melting down, but instead of trying to cool it off our leaders are adding uranium. There is not a corner of the World that is not in some kind of turmoil today. Governments are toppling way too often lately with more teetering. Traditionally stable areas are becoming sources of derision and violence. We see the rise of fascism again… this time with two ugly heads. Economies are failing, a suicidal theocratic regime is on the verge of nuclear capability, and even the US government is embroiled with scandals, a new one breaking daily. The list is as scary as it is long. All these things are being escalated by our political leader’s, incompetence or malevolence, either of which is a malignancy in the tissue of government. Unless we do something to head off this train wreck the cost will be in the millions.

Anger is the result of needs not being met. When a person’s needs are not met anger is the usual result. It can manifest itself as depression when it is turned inward, it can manifest itself as physical pain or even disease, and it is often manifested in anti social behaviors as well. Well aimed propaganda can pick up on societal anger, marshaling these antisocial behaviors into a political tool, one that is advantageous only to the political elite who wield it. Sometimes the manipulators are local, sometimes foreign, but anger is always and everywhere too easy a control button to push, for everyone to keep their greasy finger from it.

Weapons added to the mix brings in the possibility of overthrow of the standing institutions. Any foreign power that is not friendly to the native government, even if they had no hand in the anger to begin with, can simply ship in weapons raising the likely hood of all out rebellion. If sufficient anger along with sufficient weapons exist in a country revolution is assured. More violence always results after revolution, as the rebels disunite becoming armed factions, who then vie for power. Those that seek peace don’t ship arms to a conflict. To do so, is to do the opposite of what they say, making the person a hypocrite or liar.

Violence becomes custom under these circumstances. Old governments are washed away and new regimes often usher in new wars from old animosities. Local chaos destabilizes neighboring countries, regional chaos then easily becomes a war. War is a self feeding phenomenon. Like fire provides the heat needed to maintain combustion, war generates hate sufficient to keep it well fed, until the thirst for blood is quenched, or everything is smashed. There are so many simmering grievances in this World that could touch off a regional conflict they couldn’t be counted. From the Kurds, who admittedly got a really bad deal, to the Ryukyu islands, there are plenty of old grudges to start a regional war anytime anyplace.

This is why I am so amazed, our political leaders are fanning the flames of anger, adding the kindling of weaponry and they stand there astonished at the bonfire they have produced! In the Middle East the World’s elite are unanimous that war needs to break out there. If not in speech, in action, they prove it daily. Nothing meaningful is being done about Iran’s nuclear program, while riots in the Muslim sections of every country in Europe are encouraged by placating the rioters, increasingly with a state within a state. How long before that goes terribly wrong? Turkey is in full fledged rebellion and the Islamofascist leader there threatens a brutal crackdown. Will the World’s elite accept his violence where they didn’t Qaddafi’s or even the “ally” of the US, Mubarak’s?

Syria is increasingly becoming the focus of a potential World conflict, with their armed rebellion, chemical weapon stockpile, which lets be real, is most likely Saddam Hussein’s, coupled with the Muslim Brotherhood’s stated goal of a Caliphate, Israel on the southern boarder, Russia offering troops, (setting up a Gog Magog scenario), The Obama administration covering up the weapons shipments from Libya to Syria through Turkey, and Chinese interest in the region’s oil, too much political currency is being anted up for anyone to fold early in the game.

Basically, we have an angry World, that the elite in politics and the media are making madder, these unwashed raging masses are now being armed by the World powers, next Americans will be told we must intervene else things will get really bad, we do, and it does… what do you have? Some call it World War, others might say Arma-something…


John Pepin

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