Wokeness Is Pure Bigotry

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Wokeness and so called anti racist rhetoric, is actually the acme of bigotry. Not simply as Mark Dice says, “Anti whiteness,” but anti… black, Asian, Indian, Latino, indeed, it’s anti human. “Protecting” some people isn’t an act of kindness, it’s an act of arrogant superiority. The victim is incapable, due to intellect, social standing, or a heritage of evil, so needs to be treated differently… by our superiors. The woke think themselves our betters. That’s why they’re obligated to control us untermenschen. Which is the definition of a bigot, someone who thinks they’re better than others. Making the woke ideology bigoted by design. Which means, those purple haired zealots screaming at us about what words we’re allowed use… are in fact the worst bigots there are.

The motivating factor isn’t a sense of altruism, it’s a sense of superiority. Only people absolutely convinced they’re right and can’t be wrong, (the classic definition of a narcissist) will use law to enforce their morality on everyone else. While at the same time claiming others using law to enforce their morality is evil. Epitomizing hypocrisy as well as narcissism, and bigotry. Narcissists who feel themselves superior to the rest of us have no problem with their own hypocrisy though. In fact calling attention to their hypocrisy is itself a crime. Because it proves the pointer unwise. Even foolish. Why? Because to not see the world from the narcissist’s point of view is proof of foolishness. Only an idiot sees the world differently than the all wise, all knowing, and all feeling… narcissist.

Altruism motivates people to give, superiority motivates people to take, and the woke only take. While they claim any reticence to give to them is outright greed. Their avarice however isn’t greed. Their wants are their needs. Like a baby. Meanwhile, the altruistic are givers. They give their time, energy and money to causes they believe benefit mankind. People who are altruistic give to charity. Not political charity, real charity. Political charity is a donation to one’s own political power over others. The altruistic don’t seek to control others… only to help. While takers use other’s misfortune as an opportunity to take. From the downtrodden, society and the future. The future? By using the power of the State to borrow money, they can spend, to be paid back by our descendants. The future.

Woke ideology then is bigoted, narcissistic, anti human and based on a sense of superiority over the rest of humanity. Like other members of the dark triad, now dark tetrad personality disorders, anger is their primary emotion. So they use it to great effect. The woke are perpetually mad. Everything triggers them. Moreover, the woke lack real empathy, like a psychopath. How? The empathy they claim to have is always self serving. Moreover, the woke like to manipulate others, by law, intimidation and violence. Like any other Machiavellian. I have to wonder if sadism isn’t in there somewhere too. Because the woke so enjoy seeing others suffer. While I find the suffering of others upsetting, especially innocents… the woke seem to relish it. Which is the classic definition of a sadist.

All of which makes the woke, or in other words, progressive post modernists… sadistic, psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, anti human, and hypocritical bigots, who’s ideology has run its course. As the first incarnation of the progressive movement discredited itself, with its open and cloying evil, so had to go underground for a century, soon, this incarnation will be forced back underground. Else it’ll usher in the End Times. How could I say that? Because not only is the post modernist movement all the things I mentioned above, but it’s actions mirror the end times prophesy. I mean really. Revelations isn’t a road map… its a warning. But look at the opening ceremonies of this year’s Olympics, and tell me the post modernist progressive wokesters who put it on… aren’t the people of the End times?


John Pepin

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