Will The Elite Moral Hazard Us Into A Nuclear War?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is very possible our stumble bum elite could flounder into a nuclear war with Russia, possibly ending the human race. The ultimate failure for any elite, which would make the elite that blow up the planet, ultra losers. Failures like famine, disease, war and oppression are common points of failure for the elite, but it takes a stupid fool of a higher order… to end the world. Nevertheless, that is exactly the path today’s elite have set the world on. If they have bunkers built and stocked up to cozy it out, while the rest of us sweat it out up here in a nuclear wasteland, then it would seem they have it all well in hand, for themselves. The elite can arise, once the radiation has subsided, and re-fight their war for world domination. To that end… they are willing to fight to the last of us.

Let’s go with the stumble bum theory for now and set aside the idea they are actually evil beyond reckoning. This is clearly a reasonable position given the track record of the elite. If not for them, and their interference, this world would actually be the utopia they claim to want to create. Giving a stupid fool power is a sub optimal trajectory, to hit the target of Eden on Earth, giving them unlimited power is an optimal trajectory to hit Hell on earth though. Moreover, playing along with their rantings, like only a biologist can tell the difference between a woman and a man, birthing people could be men, but only woman have a say on abortion, whatever and whoever the hell they are… Absurdities, where the logic is not at all consistent even to the point of insanity, are required to be believed, then repeated.

You have to wonder what the elite are up to in Ukraine. Not just because they are willing to burn the world down in a nuclear fire, but the second Trump touched that third rail, the elite impeached him at mach 3. It could be the bio labs that rumors claim were set up to create race specific epidemics. Race specific means the virus would target people… of Slavic ancestry, for example. The ideal place to do this would be a client state Slavic country, that has no real legal protections for the people, so innocent Slavs can be used as lab rats. You know… like Ukraine. I don’t think that is sufficient though. I worry there is something more subtle, evil and disgusting going on. Something the elite are loathe to stop. The mockingbird media will never expose it. They would rather watch their children’s faces melt.

If the elite have bunkers all built and ready for them, then they can be as stupid as they want and there will be few consequences for their idiocy… for them. We will be severely punished for allowing such morons to run the show however. There will be no bunkers for us, we just paid for them, for them. The insurance world has a term for it, the term is moral hazard. When someone knows they are protected in case of disaster, they will take less care, because of that perceived safety, and in many instances bring on that very disaster, by not taking care. Could today’s elite might simply be engaging in moral hazard since they have bunkers to wait out the nuclear winter? Then there is the possibility that they are not taking the care of someone else property as they would their own.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter if the elite are stupid beyond all sense of comprehension, or villains determined to destroy the universe, we will suffer the consequences… not them. The existence of underground bunkers for the elite are a poorly kept secret. Making moral hazard or a lackadaisical attitude towards other people’s property a very real and dangerous possibility. No matter what the elite are up to in Ukraine, we can count on the media that calls itself unbiased, to cover it up. The media today is worthless as dog poop on the side of your heel. Morons or connivers, they have proved their power needs to be reigned in, not expanded. The world rests in the balance. We still can write, call and email the elite with our opinions. “Not to speak is to speak…” Bonhoeffer.


John Pepin

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