When to Trust a Known Liar.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… it is wise not to trust a liar. Like when someone who has been caught lying to you, over and over, who then informs you someone else is lying to you, perhaps it is best examine the tattle tale’s motives first. As we become adults, we learn that there are people out there who will manipulate us with lies. A child does this clumsily when they stand there, angelic little faces covered in chocolate, and earnestly maintain they have no idea what happened to the chocolate! A psychopathic scam artist does it with artistry, as he steals the life savings of an old woman, playing on her human heartedness. One thing all manipulators have in common… is they lie. Like the Main Stream Media, the MSM. They lie to manipulate us, into voting against our best interests, moving us to unlimited government.

The MSM is caught constantly in lies yet expect us to take their words at face value? That is the fox hoping the rabbit thinks it is his friend. They claim they are unbiased so much, “methinks the lady doth protest too much.” People and organizations that are above board, don’t have to go around proclaiming their virtue, that virtue is obvious to everyone. Those who are engaged in nefarious activities, like propaganda, must counter the brand destruction that accompanies it. They do this by constantly talking about how honest and diligent they are. Taking a page directly from Machiavelli’s Prince. Even as they are caught fabricating stories from whole cloth, at moments critical to our nation’s future, like the proven false story about GW Bush’s military record days before the election, they claim to be unbiased.

Hiding information is a form of lying and it is the primary modus operandi of the MSM. Telling most of what happened but leaving out crucial information is a form of manipulation. The environment that a act takes place in is the only way understanding the act in it’s entirety. With holding the why forces people to make a decision without full knowledge. Unequal knowledge in economic terms. When there is unequal knowledge, someone has the upper hand in the economic transaction. In the case of the MSM keeping the context hidden allows them to manipulate us into thinking the way they want us to and not as we would have if we had the whole picture. Which in and of itself tells us they are liars and manipulators.

The mask has come off, the MSM all but openly admit they have taken sides, and have become the defacto propaganda arm of the progressive faction. With a ninety two percent negative record reporting on Trump, and that includes pro Trump outlets, it cannot be denied they have it in for the man. In other words, they have taken the political position against him, and thereby the people he represents. His voters. Once they have taken a side, yet still maintain they are neutral, they are telling us a lie. They lie by omission, like withholding evidence that would have helped Bret Kavanaugh, and who starts all the violence we see at protests today, they lie about context as in comparing the Tea Party to Occupy Wall Street, and they even fabricate stories to manipulate us.

So, when liars tattle on another, claiming the other lies, perhaps we should examine the motives of the tattler first. Someone engaged in propaganda must control the message. Especially if those lies mixed with many truths are easily refutable. In the hierarchy of evidence, that which comes in first is given precedence, even if it is less reliable than others, just out of the way our minds work. The progressives know this and use it to great effect, blaming republicans for what democrats are doing and will do. That sets it in the public mind that republicans are responsible. Liars get away with telling us, those telling the truth are liars, and because they accused republicans first… we tend to believe them. Progressives do the same with violence. So when a proven liar tells you something… remember, they are a liar.


John Pepin

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