Weaponized Law

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite have discovered they can break the law with impunity, since they’re the ones who charge people with crimes, all they need do is not indict themselves. Moreover, the logical extension is to exploit their power to use law as a weapon. De Tocqueville made essentially the same observation, when he decried that the people would eventually vote themselves largess from the treasury, once they realized they could. The same is happening today by the elite but with usurped power. The reason both observations are true, Tocqueville’s and mine, is for any system to function, the people running it need to be virtuous. When they aren’t, the system breaks down, no matter the system. Which makes our elites villains who’re stupidly pooping in their own well.

We saw Tocqueville’s warning come true when progressives created the welfare state. FDR allowed people to vote themselves largess from the treasury… so they did. Farmers loved getting assistance, subsidies and money for not planting crops. Leading to the obliteration of family farms. The breakdown of the Black family unit can be directly traced to the Great society programs. Another illustration of people voting themselves money from the government (everyone else). The examples of government handing out money for votes are too numerous to count. The result of the money for votes scheme, is an unpayable debt, trillions in interest and an economy that’s utterly addicted to government subsidies. The social problems it’s caused create horrible conditions for millions to boot.

The faction that abetted the theft and resulting budget deficits has come full circle. Now they’re stealing for themselves. The progressives started by getting the US into WWI, spending us into a huge deficit, introducing despotism to the US, a pandemic, the Federal Reserve, income tax, eugenics, and creating economic turmoil. A bang up start. But were stymied by virtuous members of the system. Today the progressive faction is the system. They have a monopoly on the bureaucracy. Which serves and is run by them. The uniparty is progressive to the core. Even as US courts have accepted every premise of progressivism, and so have embraced it, and all it’s perversions. Which is why they’re above the law. Progressivism is unchecked elitism (aristocracy), and elitism unchecked, always leads to oligarchy.

Oligarchy exploit’s law to enhance and protect its power. That’s what oligarchs do, and is one reliable way to tell when an aristocracy has devolved into oligarchy. The next step on the evolutionary scale to tyranny. What’s the difference between aristocracy (elitism) and oligarchy? The motivation of the rulers. Aristocrats will harm their interests for the interest of the state and people, while an oligarch exploits their power to enrich themselves, at cost to the state and people. The same is true of a monarch and tyrant. The monarch is virtuous and the other a villain. Looking at the way law is adjudicated in the US and indeed Europe, it’s obvious there’s a double standard. Members of the progressive faction and their allies, are above the law, while the rest of us are below its protections.

When some are above the law, and others are below its protections, law is not a manifestation of justice, but of despotism. The clear double standard is proof the US has become an oligarchy. An oligarchy that exploits its power to enrich itself and increase its scope. Because the elite today have no ethics. Moreover, they’re only too happy to prove it. As Jan 6 trespassers commit suicide, in prison without bail, awaiting their speedy trial… progressive arsonists in ANTIFA and BLM walk free. No jail, no fine, no problem. Iconoclasm, arson and assault was forgiven, by the progressive faction they serve. Because the elite have discovered they’re above the law. All they need do is refuse to charge themselves… and indict their enemies with fake crimes. Very progressive!


John Pepin

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