Dear Friends,
It seems to me, judging by the actions of our elite, law is a means to control our actions and not theirs. How many climate change zealot elites rode bicycles to the latest COP meeting? I suspect they all came in private jets, one to a jet, no carpooling for them. Even as Hunter Biden gets a blanket pardon for all crimes for a decade the poor are held to the highest legal standards. Meanwhile, the courts ignore the law and even our Constitution, if it suits their political interests. Elevating political favor above law, justice and even public opinion. As was the case in the Jan 6th political witch hunts. Remember Gingrich’s Contract With America? It was loathed by the elite because it explicitly stated it would limit the elite. Who consider themselves above the law as proved by their actions of late.
That’s probably why Constitutions are so appalling to them. Obama said many times, he isn’t fond of our Constitution. It being a charter of negative liberties. “Negative liberties” means it limits the government. He would prefer a charter of positive liberties. Meaning the government would have to do things to us. Removing all limits to governmental power. Showing the elite feel comfortable only under a totalitarian system. The same people who refuse to follow any of their own laws. Then again, why should they, has Hunter Biden suffered legally for any of his self filmed crimes? How about the Jan 6th pipe bomber? Will Fauci face punishment for creating Covid in a lab, releasing it and using the fear to scare us into taking a shot with deadly side effects, then lying about it under oath?
The idea of limiting the actions of the elite is acid in their face. Think about it, what person who censors others, uses false flags and becomes rich by legal insider trading, is interested in fairness? Such a person exploits the law to their own ends. The law becomes a tool for self enrichment. Not and never a means to social concord. So they write in a myriad of ways around the laws they pass. Many loopholes were addressed by Gingrich’s Contract, and since, have been opened up again. Because those who seek power, seek it to use it, to help themselves… not others. Good guys don’t get far in politics. It’s a psychopath’s game. You have to really want power over others to endure the filth of politics. So they can exploit law to bind others, to be better victimized.
Our elites firmly adhere to Thrasymachus’ version of justice. Thrasymachus was a character in Plato’s Republic, and I am to understand, a sophist of the ancient Greek tradition. In that book, Thrasymachus makes the point, justice isn’t fairness. Justice is instead a tool, for those with political power, to exploit those without it. By claiming it’s justice. Compelling people to go along with their own mistreatment. Law, or government enforced justice, then becomes a means to rob the nation. Just as Bastiat said. Government that exploits law, as a means to wealth for the elite, causes several symptoms. High inflation, high crime, lowered expectations, the need for belt tightening, eroding individual rights, censorship and lawfare. Where these things are present; know that government follows Thrasymachus.
Every crime, exploitation and usurpation is always, “Under color of law…” They deny us our Rights under color of law. Deny us our property under color of law. Even as they deny us our bodily autonomy, with vaccine passports… under color of law. Why do you suppose it’s more profitable for a firm to lobby government… than to innovate? Because law is now a means to enrich the politically powerful by robbing the politically weak. Do you feel comfortable when you get pulled over by a cop? Does the presence of the law make you more or less at ease? Moreover, if you were arrested for a political crime, do you feel you would get a fair trial in court? The answer to that question, more than others, defines if your government exploits law to get rich, or for social cohesion.
John Pepin