
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, once the leaders of a nation have become utterly corrupt, they can’t help but lead their nation into a trap, a box canyon… a maelstrom. A catastrophe from which that nation will suffer for centuries if not millennia. Confucius was asked by one of his disciples, what are the most important things for a wise emperor to provide for his people? Confucius said, prosperity, fairness in law, and trust in the emperor. Then he was asked, what if the emperor has to do without one? Prosperity, was Confucius’ answer. What if he has to do without two? Confucius said, Fairness in law. Why is trust in the emperor so important, asked the disciple. To which Confucius replied, Prosperity comes and goes, fairness can be restored, but once trust in the emperor is lost, the Middle Kingdom is lost.

Italy is an example of a nation that lost trust in it’s leaders, two thousand years ago, and still hasn’t regained that trust. Garibaldi tried to unite Italy, but that lack of trust undermined his efforts more effectively and clandestinely, than any city’s ambition. Because the Roman emperors, a thousand years ago, so abused their authority, that mistrust is written in the DNA of Italians living in Italy. The diaspora Italians have adopted the culture of the places they’ve moved, but in Italy proper, the contempt is genetic. Italy isn’t the only example. Does anyone expect Portugal to rise to world prominence again? What about Spain, Denmark, France or Mongolia? Nations and peoples rise in virtue, then power corrupts that virtue, in the elites first, and the whole affair collapses into dust.

Our elites are doing everything in their power to destroy any trust we had in them and our institutions. In their stupidity, the elite openly censor, jail dissidents and pervert elections, all in the name of “saving democracy.” Elon Musk exposed the industrial censorship complex the US government built. They’ve jailed joke makers, we’re now supposed to call them memes instead of jokes, probably so the elite could jail them. It sounds better, the meme maker was jailed for a meme (joke) that violated federal election laws. As if the arbitrary rule that masquerades as election law has any moral authority anymore. The 2020 election fraud, and the courts defecating in their own wells to cover it up, proved it. As when the courts openly defied our Constitution and changed election laws to suit their faction.

Believe it or not, censoring Facebook posts of average Americans, jailing journalists like Assange, and ham handed propaganda, are sub optimal ways of winning back trust. Once someone discovers they’ve been censored, or worse, shadow banned, they become jaded. If justice is measured by the Golden rule and reciprocal attribution, righteous fury is justified. Because, the censor would be incensed, should they be the target of censorship… the hypocrites. Being censored makes us angry too, and we generally don’t like people that make us angry, nor do we trust them. As long as the mockingbird media can cover the real reason Assange, Snowden and Alex Jones are targeted by the administrative state, the persecutions can go on, but we’re onto them. By the way, how’s that new Disney movie doing?

A thousand years of poverty are the wages of a corrupt elite… and there have never been an elite so corrupt as ours. Caligula did unspeakable things in public… as our elites murdered their pimp, to cover their pedophilia. The censorship, persecution of journalists who expose them, and the propaganda that’s become so unpalatable no one consumes it anymore, makes us cynical, to the elite and our institutions. Of course, debacle after debacle, the military industrial complex delivers in their permawar, vexes us. We understand that our vote has less and less weight every election cycle, due to the open election fraud of the elites, exploiting mail in without id. The result is, we’ve lost our prosperity, fairness in the courts, and most of all… trust in our elites. What would Confucius predict for us?


John Pepin

This entry was posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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