Trump Should Launch an Assault on Human Trafficking…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Trump would be well served, both politically and by history, if he takes on the evil of human trafficking. Human slavery is the most heinous crime man has ever committed against man. It is both a crime against the individual and against the human race. That anyone can be forced into slavery, and make no mistake, that is what slavery is, force, means anyone can be forced into slavery. No one is safe as long as slavery exists on this planet. That in the twenty first century human slavery is at it’s zenith is shocking. A human being is sold today in many parts of the world, cheaper than at any other time in human history, because there are so many available… supply and demand. Moreover, it is only the most heartless of subhuman, that could possibly believe human slavery is not a violation of the universal morality. If Trump were to set the CIA to eliminating human trafficking around the planet, it would feed back in political currency even if only in his term in office, and the lifting of the suffering that such barbarism creates, would earn him positive mention in the history books of the future.

To start Trump must first clean house. Sadly, the bureaucrats left over from Obama need to be fired, every one, without mercy. Replace every progressive bureaucrat at the top echelons of every agency with someone with at least a smattering of common sense. Regardless of what Trump sets himself to, progressive leftovers will always be a sand in the gears, but with the pizzagate child slavery sex scandal, pointing at prominent progressives that is unfolding in slow motion, as they all do nowadays, they are especially dangerous. In replacing progressives Trump can choose people who have in the past expressed open antipathy to human slavery. Get the bureaucracy on his side at the outset and Trump’s assault on human trafficking could be led by motivated, strategic thinking, people with good esprit de corps, rather than layabouts who will undermine every effort.

I could fill pages and pages with why human slavery is a moral evil, but that would be useless, because we all know in our hearts, that slavery is evil, a dark evil beyond all scope of comprehension. What is important is that a civilized society does not tolerate such evil. You cannot walk through sewage every day barefoot and not have it effect you. Sooner or later you will get a cut and the sewage will leak into your blood and immediately give you sepsis. Evils like slavery are the same, they are a source of corruption in society that the moment any institution breaks down, that putrefaction leaks into every part of government, society, business and culture… spoiling them all. Slavery is a moral evil and that moral evil if allowed will eventually destroy the rest of society, that is why a civilized society does not tolerate human slavery at all or in any form.

Slavery also has a profound and yet pernicious negative economic factor. Those people enslaved have their future potential taken from them. Their potential, by definition, is reduced and so is their ability to purchase goods, (in Keynesian fashion), add to the stock of knowledge, (ala Mises and Hayak), become an entrepreneur, (making Schumpeter proud), or perhaps even become wealthy storing up huge savings, (as the Austrians would like), but he or she cannot, because their potential has been taken from them… and from humanity. The cure for cancer may be found but for the fact the woman who would have discovered it, was sold as a little girl into the sex slave trade, and now is dying of aids. The solution to using fusion to generate electricity might be implemented today, except that the man who would have invented it was captured and sold to work in a mine in Africa, and is now in a mass grave next to that mine. The tragic stories of how all of us have lost far more, even than the victims themselves by mere statistical probability, added to the vast amount of human suffering, is and always will be the story of how we sold out future to harm our present.

History is kind to those who lift suffering from this world and cruel to those who abet it, while politics only cares for power, the people however, the font of all political power, swoon at triumph stories. Both history and the people then would favor a President who set himself against such evil, not only proving himself a hero, but improving the overall lot of Man, morally by showing we live in a civilized society, and economically by releasing the potential of everyone who is, or would be slaves. With news stories out there like Rotherham, Boko Haram, ISIS, pizzagate, the child sex scandal of the British elite, etc… are but a few that should at least raise our awareness if not our dander. I would get behind a man who sets himself against such evil as human slavery, wouldn’t you, wouldn’t everyone?


John Pepin

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