The Wonder of CRT

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, critical race theory (CRT) is about splitting the races, attacking merit, and putting the minorities back in their place… while manipulating them into doing it themselves. We all know this to be true in our hearts. The proponents of that racist, foul and loathsome philosophy are plowing up ground that was settled decades ago. We as a culture, people and nation decided that “separate but equal” is anything but, all races are equal, and that boys are boys and girls are girls. A close friend of mine, Big John… told me BLM riots are driving a wedge between black and white. Then added, he had lived through those times and had no desire to go back. Isn’t that exactly what the advocates of CRT want, a return to segregation, open racism and dehumanization of people… based on an irrelevant trait?

Any ideology that teaches hate is the antitheses of human hearted. CRT is all about hate. All their ideas depend on hate, enhance their hatred and are hateful. When was the last time you saw love in the eyes of someone vomiting CRT? The only love in their eyes is the love of human suffering. No one rips someone down to build them up, they rip someone down… to rip them down. How is teaching children that whites are all racist and that only whites can be racist, is in any way redeeming, or could lead to redemption? No, it rips down a race, to rip down that race. No more no less. That we allow an ideology that teaches hate, heartlessness and vengeance, to be taught in the schools, is a strike against us. That people who would teach it, exist at all, is a strike against the nature of Mankind.

Critical race theory teaches, all white people are inherently racist, and that only white people can be racist… which are such obviously racist statements, they trigger cognitive dissonance in those who must believe to get along. Since so many youths today are wired to go along to get along, they take the nonsense into themselves, suppress the internal tension with anger, and finally becoming a zealot for the cause. When living on a landscape that is constantly changing, it becomes easier to be a non player character, learning not to think for oneself, than to risk the inadvertent retribution of those taught to be hateful, heartless and vengeful. Since such people are not tolerant of other viewpoints, being so certain theirs is the moral one, they silence the rest, by violence if necessary.

A recent story claimed that 90% of hate speech on Facebook was directed at Whites. Facebook solved the problem by changing the algorithm… not to notice hate speech directed against Whites. Then there is the open racism against Asians. Intentionally limiting their participation in the universities of their choice. Not based on merit but because they over achieve (envy). Progressives even claim that math is racist. Because Asians and Whites are supposedly better at it than other races. Making one wonder if the real problem the progressive, post modernist CRT pushers really have… is with merit? Envy after all is the progressive’s greatest sin. Since they cannot come out against merit, everything becomes about race, as a proxy to merit. So thoroughly do post modernists hate merit and love political favor.

That the main proponents of CRT are rich white patricians, is not ironic, it’s diabolic. The old adage, “from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations…” is a problem for the elite. CRT is a means to bypass that fate for the half witted offspring of the malevolent rich. To that end the elite have ordered Critical Race Theory taught in the schools, inculcated on television and through the movies. Clearly CRT is not about race, but against merit, since a person of any race can be a “white supremacist,” for wrongthink. White and Asian people are inherently “supremacist,” for excelling in math, as Black and Brown people are hailed as perpetual “victims…” the foundational premise of CRT. Dehumanizing everyone. By elevating race above humanity, like Kung Sung Lung’s White Horse.


John Pepin

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