The Values Voter

Dear Friends,

I always thought the memory of the people was short, but I stand in awe at the total lack of retention of the Elite, regarding the 2004 elections and the debate afterward. That debate was all about, how the democrats could show the American people, they had values too. Because the previous election in November had hinged on values. In 2008 the democrats didn’t as much convince the electorate that they had values, as much as the salacious emails to a page convinced us, the republicans were just as reprobate. Today, the democrats have not only shown they have no values, but, the power of the State to compel. The short memory of the Elite is astounding and may yet offer us hope of turning back the progressives.

Historically the progressives have always failed once their true plans and nature came out. The American people have always recoiled at the evil and the progressives have had to go into hiding, melting into the Elite of the republican and the democrat parties, until the generation that remembers them has passed. The the progressives emerge again shiny and new. This has almost been a dynamic rhythm set up by the complex system that is American politics.

In December 2004, the question on everyone’s lips was, how can the democrats get their power back? The unbiased media was awash in debate how could the American people not know that the democrats had values too? They bent logic into balloon elephants and kangaroos and offered them to the public. Then the Elite changed the subject by running down the economy until they caused it to crash with both their rhetoric and their regulation.

Today, with the Economy in shambles, the progressive Elite must change the subject again. The progressive Elite are of the opinion, the American people have been rendered so ignorant of the underlying issues and so lowered in our moral ethos, that we will turn away from the Constitution in favor of free stuff. The pro Sodom and Gomorrah sect think they are winning. They have the unbiased media filling the airwaves with push polling and editorials attacking Rush Limbaugh instead of looking into the actual Constitutional issues.

Nancy Pelosi has argued that, access to contraceptives is a “right” and therefore religious should be compelled to pay for it. If that is true then PETA could be compelled to pay for a baby seal hunting trip for every one of it’s employees. Absolute secrecy about who takes these trips would have to be maintained so the zealots wouldn’t take retribution against the takers. Perhaps Planned Parenthood would be coerced into paying for a Roman Catholic church on one side, a Protestant cathedral on the other with a Mormon Temple across the street, as a gesture to diversity. The list of compulsions the State can come up with is endless.

The point is not, to get free contraceptives into the hands of willing women, it is to pry the Rights from our slippery hands. The progressive Elite have chosen a group to present as the villains, in their idol of the theater, the “conservative” wealthy, the progressive Elite believe they have successfully nullified the Constitution and they may be correct. They may be able to usurp the Constitution. But only if the people let them.

In 2004 it was about the values of the President, in 2008 it was about salacious emails to a page, but today, it is about the values the Elite want to coerce from us. Once they can do it to someone they can do it to anyone! It is the next logical step, to changing the role of the State to that of God, as it was in the days of Pharaoh. History shows what ensues when that happens, oppression and suffering. It has always been and it always will be the values voter who swings the tide from tyranny to liberty. It was the values voter that never gave up on emancipation, and only once the values voter has been thoroughly disheartened and marginalized, can the tyrant win.

The Values voter, will strike once more, the Elite disheartened, their plans still born…


John Pepin

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