The UN’s Agenda 2030

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, I have thrown a rock into the air on many occasion, and not once has that rock failed to drop back to the ground, of course, just because something has always happened, doesn’t mean it must always happen, however, to expect something that has never happened, despite many attempts, shows a contempt for empirically derived reality and thus contempt for the experimental method. Human history is just such an experiment. Arbitrary rule has been the norm, yet has never achieved satisfactory results, no matter how may time it has been tried. Perhaps it might achieve the desired results this time, but if empirical reality has anything to say on the subject, it will fail once again, to the detriment of humanity, once again. It would seem that arbitrary rule is like throwing a rock into the sky, the rock never fails to fall back to the ground, and arbitrary rule never fails to result in poverty, despotism and human suffering, but maybe this time it will result in prosperity, liberty and plenty, but I think not…

The United Nations has a new initiative, Agenda 2030, it seeks to institute arbitrary rule world wide, with the intent to offer the planet and the people who dwell on it, prosperity, liberty and plenty, and all the elite at the United Nations ask, is that we accept arbitrary rule. Maybe, just maybe, this one more time the rock will float, once it has been hurled into the sky, failing to fall to the ground. All they expect from us is that we cede our national sovereignty to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, all our liberty and sovereignty, and they will bestow upon us the benefits of their superior wisdom and munificence. Once the United Nations has received our liberty, prosperity and property, they will use it to enhance the lot of Mankind to a level that has never been seen before in the annuls of human history.

Agenda 2030 seeks to eliminate local everything… elevating all police powers, environmental rules and regulation to unelected, unaccountable and without recourse, people who know far better what is good for you and I than we do for ourselves. If you doubt it, just ask them, they will explain how much more intelligent they are than you or I. The UN will set aside the egoistic human qualities, such as self interest, instead only considering the betterment of humanity as a whole. They say it will be pure democracy, democracy that doesn’t bog itself down in tedious voting and referendums, the franchise that only serves to block progress, but democracy by arbitrary rule of the learned elite.

Yes, socialism has failed every time it has been tried, ushering in the worst human suffering in the history of mankind, but this time it will be different, it will be worldwide! Once everyone must labor under socialism, prosperity will sweep the planet, and want will be replaced with plenty. The greedy incentive of self interest will be replace with the lash. Low performers can be induced to perform to their utmost by whipping. Imagine a world where everyone strives to do their very best, else they are whipped unmercifully. The advancement of humanity and prosperity would be unmatched. Simply take from the rich until there are no rich anymore… then take from the upper class until there are no upper class, then take from the middle class until there is no middle class, then take from the poor, because who would begrudge the elite in the United Nations, fillet mignon, thousand dollar linens and a soft pillow to lay their head, after they have worked so hard for the rest of us?

Yes, Agenda 2030 might be a boon to humanity, this time when we throw the rock into the sky it might go into orbit circling the planet for eternity. The elite might use the arbitrary rule Agenda 2030 gives them, to benefit humanity… and pigs might learn to fly, Hell could freeze over and Lucifer might turn out to be a decent guy. It is possible that the African prince did leave you millions of dollars, and all you have to do is send someone you have never met your life savings to get it, then you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams. Maybe that guy who sent you a text that he has the investment opportunity of a lifetime is telling you the truth, and you should give him your bank account numbers, perchance the guy selling you the Tappan Zee bridge does own it, and you will clean up by putting a toll booth on it… and perhaps this time, arbitrary rule by unelected, unaccountable, absolute rulers will result in universal prosperity. I will say however, I have thrown many, many rocks into the sky, and not one has failed to fall to the ground.


John Pepin

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