The Tipping Point Between Tyranny And Liberty

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are two modes of governing, one where the government is limited and the people are unlimited, or one where the people are limited and the government is unlimited. There is no middle ground. Because the two states are like sinks next to one another. One is limited government the other is unlimited government. The rest state is either despotism or liberty. Any state between is a traveling state, that either takes energy, or releases energy. It releases the potential energy built up pushing the ball to the tipping point. If the force is taken away, the ball will return to the rest state of the sink it’s in. Up to the twenty first century, the rest state in the West was that of freedom. Since then the elite have been expending huge amounts of energy pushing the ball towards despotism.

When a state is moving away from liberty and toward unlimited government, the sides are steep, until the rest state (the bottom of the next basin) is reached again. Initially its hard to get up to the lip, but once the lip is passed, the slide to totalitarianism is rapid. Like the old saying, “Slow at first then all at once.” The same can be said of both states. It’s as hard to move a free people to despotism as it is to move tyrannized people to freedom. It requires huge amounts of energy. Once a tipping point is reached though, the slide to the other side becomes rapid. Converting the potential energy built up in the climb to kinetic energy in the descent. Our elites have used titanic volumes of political energy, moving us up that steep side, striving to get us past the tipping point to totalitarianism.

The rest state of a free people is limited government. Which is a problem to those seeking to rule. The globalist elite want unlimited government tyrannizing a limited people. They want the ball in the other basin. The problem for the would be despots is the longer a ball rests in a basin, the deeper that basin becomes. So it takes that much more energy to surpass the tipping point. The West has become very used to freedom though. So used to it our basin is deep. So it takes a great deal of shock to wake us up. Those who do, find themselves way up on the side of the basin, being pushed inexorably towards totalitarianism. That awareness adds to the gravity pulling the ball back into the basin. Amounting to more energy needed to over come each aware person.

Meanwhile the rest state of abused people is unlimited government. Plus the longer a people live under despotism, the deeper that basin becomes. In the Middle East, people have incorporated totalitarianism into their psyche. Making that basin of despotism very deep and steep indeed. Proven by the titanic effort the US and Europe expended, in money and blood, to introduce freedom to people used to tyranny. Who then rejected ill fitting liberty in favor of comfortable tyranny. Because the energy expelled wasn’t sufficient to get them over the tipping point. Who knows how much it would take to make any state there, other than Israel, a liberal democratic republic that practices free enterprise? Maybe nothing short of an existential crisis. God forbid.

I believe the global elites thought they had reached the tipping point, where people become comfortable with tyranny, making despotism inevitable. The governments of the West have spent huge amounts of energy. They’ve enacted laws against wrongthink, and wrong speak, that are far more enthusiastically enforced than laws against the rape of little girls. In the UK, the government refused to investigate multi generational rape gangs, yet imprisoned Tommy Robinson for speaking out against it. The UN demands farms, nuclear power plants and industry in Europe be shut down. Even as the globalists wax their mustaches for war. What they haven’t counted on is the depth of the West’s loathing of despots, making our sides as difficult to overcome as the Middle East’s.


John Pepin

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