The Tip Of Lucifer’s Spear

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the cultural elite have often been the tip of Lucifer’s spear, and at no time or place is that more true, than now. Look at what they are promoting nowadays. Some argue that the reason today’s culture is so perverted is because every generation has to out do its parent generation. Therefore culture will always devolve to perversion. Since this is a new phenomenon, I would argue it cannot be a universal, and therefore has something to do with our society. Moreover, I would continue, the evolution of ever greater perversions, supposedly to “shock,” is in fact a coordinated strategy to move our society from good, to evil. Perhaps not intentionally by the NPCs… but that is the effect. The force doing the moving are clearly the cultural elite, but lacking agency, their actions are not their own.

The cultural elite are drawn from creative types. People with less sense of revulsion at the grotesque, more openness to possibilities and less concern about consequences. These are the kind of people that move a society along… as long as their innovations are tempered by conservative types. Society needs them just as society needs liberals. Although societies all falter when one or the other becomes autocratic. There must be a balance. Today the progressive creative types have a hegemony on the new class philosophy. Without the input from conservatives, they are gleefully running off a cliff, like lemmings. Its not their fault. Creative types have their strengths and weaknesses, one of their weaknesses is a lack of disgust. Which is why even today they want to push on with their plan.

“Culture is upstream of politics…” – Andrew Breitbart. If we accept this statement as true, and it has all the trappings of a truth, then we must conclude the cultural elite have tremendous power to change, not only our culture, but our politics, laws, and society itself. By changing the way we look at the world, under our radar so to speak, because it is hidden in the TV we consume, movies we watch and books we read. Every day we are subtly nudged to think the way the cultural elite want us to think. The youth are the most effected since they have the least lived experience to fall back on. So we see the pernicious changes in them most of all. Culture is indeed upstream of politics, and law, philosophy and even science. Because who can study that which we are not allowed to think about?

Why would we be shocked that our kids emulate the people they are shown as the epitome of success? A rapper with ho girlfriends and a few baby mamas, decorated in bling, and a raw nerve when it comes to being disrespected. They don’t need jobs, jobs are for losers. Our culture teaches our kids that there is no future only an ever present today. A now in which we must constantly be the center of attention… and if we are not, then we are nothing and might as well die. Girls have to be pretty little sluts with an attitude. Not a corrosive message to teach boys and girls at all. No wonder there are so many suicides. How many families do you suppose come from that culturally induced mindset? Children naturally look up to their parents, it is human nature, the cultural elite go to great lengths to change that nature.

Who are we investing this terrifying power in? Creative types without a sense of wrong. No way that could go right. Not that creative types are bad, they are simply not equipped to rule. Especially with unlimited power. Their lack of revulsion at evil, makes them the perfect tools, to be manipulated by Lucifer and his ideas. Without a sense of right and wrong, other than their own personal uberman philosophy, no sin is too great, if it ushers in utopia. Invested with terrific power to change not only the culture, but our laws, society and even what is allowed to be thought. Whether or not they know it, they truly are the tip of Satan’s spear. A spear tip has no agency though. It is a tool. It does what its wielder wants, and that spear is now being pushed into our midsection… by the hand of Satan.


John Pepin

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