The Threat of Media Bias

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the biggest threat to our freedom and the liberty of our children, is a uniformly biased media. Not that Obama and his redistributive, socialist, policies are not a huge threat. In a liberal republic, if the media is uniformly biased against the side of liberty and for the side of tyranny, the republic is in dire risk. Since the media is the arbiter of information in a modern society, their skewing that information to vilify liberal capitalism and lionizing socialist redistribution, creates a people who are unable to make rational decisions. Rational decisions must have, as a prerequisite, accurate information. This problem is magnified when those extremely biased purveyors of the public’s information call themselves unbiased. This is indeed the biggest threat to our freedom because it corrodes our ability to make informed decisions.

The melt down in the Middle East is a perfect example. The unbiased media parrot the Obama administration’s obvious lie, that the attacks on the US embassies were entirely the fault of some film maker in California, exercising his first amendment right. This absurdity is paraded in front of the US citizenry as truth constantly. Even though Middle East leaders have said that it was a coordinated attack, planned far in advance and warned that they would happen days in advance. Disregarding the fact, the people who planned and carried out the attacks were not only emboldened by Obama’s actions, but were brought into power by Obama’s policies! Any republican President who presided over such a foreign policy fiasco would be drummed for office by the unbiased media. Instead the media change the subject. They ape the administration’s propaganda and attack the Republican candidate for pointing out the truth.

The example of the gaffs of Obama and Biden as compared to Romney and Ryan are amazing. Obama didn’t know how many States are in the United States of America! What a gaff that is. The unbiased media ignored it. Romney says the truth, that those people who are dependent on the government will not vote for him and are immune to his lower tax argument. The unbiased media pounced on him. They say he will not represent those that don’t vote for him. Yet they ignore Obama’s calls for class warfare. Clearly, Obama is not representing that segment of the population, that he vilifies.

There was a recent news article, that Eric Holder’s “Justice” department was cooperating with Media matters to spin information about Fast and Furious, among other scandals the truth challenged agency is embroiled in. Media matters is an organization the unbiased media go to as a adjudicator of ethics in journalism. NPR had a Sunday morning show where they examined the question of press bias. They always consulted a Media Matters representative. The weekly conclusion was… Ta ta ta da, that even if the press is biased they must not say so! This type of self serving tripe is how they really think. Now it appears that Media matters itself has a pro Obama agenda. Of course, Media Matters considers it ok to be biased… as long as you keep it hidden.

It recently came out that while reporters were covering the democratic party convention, “unbiased” reporters were donating to the Obama campaign, using pseudonyms! This is proof positive that they have an agenda and they try to keep it hidden. Those who believe so much in a candidate, they donate their own money to a campaign, are extremely unlikely to report fairly about that campaign. Logically they are biased.

Today on Bloomberg radio. (A bastion of progressive reporters). I heard a debate between reporters about the race. The theme was that Romney is unlikable. When you favor a candidate you always consider his or her opponent to be unlikeable. I ask you, is such an perspective based observation, reasonable for an unbiased reporter to make?

Speaking to likeability… Romney gives a ton of money and time to charity, he is a religious man, and he made his money from saving failing businesses. Romney came about his money in the traditional American way… he earned it. By every measure Obama is the antithesis of Harry S Truman. Harry Truman said, “Anyone who gets rich in politics is a God damned crook.” Obama made his millions from politics. By Harry Truman’s standard that makes Obama a crook. The unbiased media hated Harry Truman as well. They even printed that Truman lost the election before the votes were even counted! Which tells me that Harry Truman was not a member of the Elite. The media, who adored and worshiped at the feet of Roosevelt, despised Truman with a passion. They took sides then and they are taking sides now.

No correct decision can be made with inaccurate information. That is simply logical. Take a computer. The old saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out.” When any decision is based on faulty information the conclusion cannot be in harmony with reality. In the case of a computer program, the bugs and errors are a mere annoyance, but in the case of the future of Our republic, the outcome can be disastrous.

It is too late for today’s journalists… but tomorrow’s can be saved. Future reporters will have the ability to look back at these times, reflecting on the stupidity of their ancestors, and avoid their mistakes. They will understand, it is in their own best interests, to inform the public of their personal biases. Not that a bias makes it impossible to convey news, but it is important for those that do so, to let the reader know that there is one and what it is, so the reader can judge the information in the proper context. This allows the citizenry to make more informed decisions about the pressing questions at hand. To intentionally lie in the face of the truth is malfeasance of the highest order, future journalists will shake their heads that it was ever done, and go about their calling with a degree more virtue than today’s.


John Pepin

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