Dear Friends,
It seems to me that we live in political age. Historians refer to various eras and ages in human history by the predominant source of change, for example, the Iron Age or the Bronze age. Iron being the underlying efficient cause of innovations in technology during the iron age, as was bronze in the bronze age. Today, politics is far more than merely efficient cause, it has become final cause, or the reason for it. Politics in our society has reached the level of a self justifying end.
Politics has become ingrained in our lives even if we personally don’t follow them. The invention of the welfare state has given the government so much more reach and perception into our lives, we have become puppets of it, and so, no matter how uninterested you or I may be in politics, politics has a keen interest in us. From our tax rate, to whether we get that building permit for our new firm or home, politics is integral in our needs being met.
The invention of mass media is one major reason politics has become so ingrained in our lives. Mass media has allowed politicians who have great charisma to become cults of personality. It would have been unthinkable a week before Marconi turned on his first radio for such a thing to happen. There have been a few larger than life figures, but, to a man they have been generals, like Alexander, Pericles, Caesar, and Kublai Khan.
Another reason politics has become so important it deserves to name our age, is a point I touched on above, the insidious way government has oozed into our lives. This has made every facet of our lives subject to political considerations. Your job could be made illegal by the government at any time if the elite see fit to do so. Your children are watched at school for any sign you might not be a “good” parent. (Not to say that there are not bad parents out there but the number is extremely exaggerated by the elite in education). As I mentioned before, if you want to build a home you must go to government, if you want to get married you must get a government license, if you want to become a hairdresser you need a state license. Think about the personal information you have to give the government every year in your IRS form, and we all know that trust would never be used against us for, say, political reasons. The list is as intrusive as it is endless. There is no part of your life where government doesn’t have some hand.
It doesn’t stop there however. As government takes over the health care system, and let’s face it, that is where we are going, it will make your most personal decisions for you. If, God forbid, you or I get cancer, government will decide if you and I are valuable enough to give treatment to. Perhaps we could be put on a waiting list for a few years to lower the costs. Even decisions about childbearing will have the thumb print of government. You may have exceed your allotment of funds for childbirth and since all hospitals are government hospitals…
But most importantly, as we move closer to World government, that must inevitably turn to global tyranny, fewer and fewer people will be making more and more decisions for everyone else. The elite will have unprecedented power over the lives of the human race. Power Dion couldn’t even have dreamed of. Politics will be the most important aspect of everyone’s life. Because your very life will hang on politics. Like Socrates’ did.
John Pepin