Dear Friends,
It seems to me… we’re watching the oligarchic faction commit seppuku. People are fleeing the globalist progressives again. I say again because progressives have a history of gaining power, then once people see who and what they really are, they flee as fast as they can. The last progressive era culminated in the eugenics movement in the US and the Nazis in Germany. It took them three quarters of a century underground, conniving, to get back into power. Now they run the EU, Britain, had the US under Biden, and run most of Europe, Canada, Central and most of South America, their grip on power is slipping again. Despite their willingness to censor, lie and cheat. Results have a way of convincing that propaganda can’t hide. So people are fleeing the globalist progressives… again.
The globalist progressive movement is evil. Judged by their actions and the outcomes of those actions. They claim their atrocities are justified by their glittering goals. Though atrocities always lower the lot of Man, showing they’re evil… and evil always destroys itself. Today the oligarchic faction is defending illegal immigrant’s “right” to come to the EU, get welfare, and rape little girls. The Globalist elites are so committed, they’ve staked British rape gangs as the hill they’re willing to fight and die on, if need be. Showing a self blindness that staggers the imagination. Moreover, under their rule, the lot of Man has dropped steadily and fast. No street is safe under their rule. Now that the globalist progressives have targeted farms, expect food prices to go even higher. With famines to follow.
The core philosophy of the progressive globalist faction, the oligarchic faction, is elitism. That the elite should run everything. Because the elite are experts. They’re the only ones who have the education, intellect and humanity to make all the decisions. If only the rest of us would just sit down, and shut up, the experts would have the world sorted out in short order. Just ask Bertrand Russell. If you think of it, every progressive globalist policy, is based on unlimited elitist power. Eugenics, the idea that a few experts should decide the genetic destiny of the human race, is an example. That the experts should breed us like dogs. Look at the bang up job they’ve done with dogs. Shortening their lifespan by half. Which could be had by the future… if only we sit down and shut up.
Polls and recent elections prove the globalist progressive faction is on the ropes politically. Their reaction to voters fleeing them, as fast as they can, is to cancel elections. Problem solved. Highlighting their solution to every issue. Exploit the violence of the State to force people to their will. The idea of discourse is foreign to the oligarchic faction. Why argue with your inferior? Especially when all you need do is use the power of the State to compel, rightthink, rightact and rightspeak. Sooner or later, when eugenics comes back on the table, they can breed us to be more compliant. Today they have to use indoctrination, propaganda and censorship to trick us into going along. No wonder people are fleeing the globalist progressive faction as fast as they can. Everything flees traps once seen.
The globalist progressive faction has brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, inflated away our standard of living, use violence as their primary means to power, jail people for wrongthink, normalized crime, crushed economies, are normalizing gang rapes of little girls, as well as sterilizing children. In other words, the results of their rule have been sub optimal. Now we’ve caught a glimpse of the hideous face of the oligarchic faction… we’re fleeing. So the globalist progressive faction decided canceling elections will fence us in. We’ve recognized them however. So their rule is effectively over… All there is left is the flummoxing and screaming. If they don’t take us with them, this generation will have to die out, before the oligarchic faction can threaten mankind again.
John Pepin