The Nuclear Family

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the nuclear family is under attack by the cultural elite, whether intentional or not. One could argue that dysfunctional families are a font of story. Moreover, they create characters that are broken enough to function in a tale. So the attacks are masked as the only source of story. Utilizing the David Copperfield approach. Though that’s not the only source of character flaw. Many people born of and raised by wonderful families, are terrible people, and many who are thrown aside, are wonderful human beings. For our culture to focus only on bad fathers, oedipal mothers and narcissistic families, eschewing all other sources of story, shows their blindness or malintent. Whether or not the cultural elite know what they’re doing, the effect is the same, the nuclear family is under attack.

TV shows today that get multiple seasons generally seek to replace the nuclear family with a hybrid structure. Created because of the horrible childhoods of the protagonists. Disparate people come together as a family to replace the family they, never had, escaped from, or yearned for. Normalizing hybrid structures and establishing a nuclear family as bad. It’s a thing you escape from. You would never seek to be in one. A subtle, subconscious manipulation, that’s almost certainly lowered the population. I am in favor of people experiencing life in the best way they can. If a hybrid structure is all that’s available, then so be it. But a hybrid structure is not the ultimate nor is it ideal. The nuclear family, honed over a million years of human development, is the ideal. Though sometimes warped.

The escaping from your family narrative plays well to a teen aged audience. People in the midst of an existential crisis of existence are open to manipulation in ways they wouldn’t be before or after. Teaching the youth that having a family is a bad thing then encourages them not to have families. Instead turns the energy God gave them for pairing up and having children, careers and lives… to self destructive narcissistic behavior. Because, someone smoking crack, on welfare, masturbating to porn in a basement, and considering strangers on Facebook family… is far better than living the American dream. Girls have a time limit on having children just as men who die in their twenties are limited too. Shilling a childless hybrid existence to teens filled with angst is like offering candy to a baby.

The cultural elite are bolstered by the state in their efforts against the nuclear family, wittingly or unwittingly. How? By creating laws and court precedent that increasingly makes it self destructive for a man to get married. In divorce, his rights don’t exist. Nor do the child’s. The mother’s interests are of little concern to the state as well. The only concern of the state… is the state. How many children disappear into the state system never to be seen again? More than you could imagine. Taken from broken homes and put into the hands of slavers. For their own good. There are reports that over fifty thousand unaccompanied minors have disappeared in the last few years. Wittingly or unwittingly then, the legal system has created perverted legal incentives, against marriage, children and families.

In the West, the birth rate isn’t close to the replacement rate. The aborted children have been replaced by migrants. Instead of starting families and having lives, many of us lived the slut life, aborted our kids and will die alone, lonesome, and terrified to face judgment for what we’ve done. Most of our unmarried women today are Eleanor Rigbys. Tragic, angry and befuddled why they’re so tragic and angry. We have a few generations of sad useless men without skill, gumption or hope. The cultural elite have us reaping what they’ve sown. Yes, we’re victims, but we couldn’t have been made victims, without our witting or unwitting consent. Maybe its time to change the paradigm, legal, social and cultural? So… exalt the nuclear family, fathers and mothers, to save the scarce next generation.


John Pepin

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