The Most Racist People on Earth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, those who single out a certain race for vilification, view race as a primary property, judge others by their race and/or attribute any other qualities to people depending on their race… are racists. I should think that obvious, but today the media that calls itself unbiased, our institutions of higher learning, administrative state, judiciary, corporations and cultural elite, all believe the exact opposite. It is rather difficult to rectify the level of absurdity we are awash in today, with common sense. It is the twenty first century and the elite have adopted a first century BC attitude about race. The pejorative, racist, has become a single edged rhetorical nuclear weapon. The reason the elite are able to continue with the absurdity… is because we so rarely tell them they are a king without clothes.

In an echo chamber, group think or where people are captured by an ideology, absurd ideas flourish. When no one is allowed to challenge an idea, no matter how stupid it is, idiocy must grow, the level of discourse must fall and the belief in crazy notions becomes commonplace. It is the give and take of debate and honest conversation that our ideas become clear, rational and mirror reality. If ideas cannot be honed by debate, not only do they become ever more idiotic, they get more dangerous. Not only to those who believe in them but to society, the culture and the nation. Racism is just such an idea. If not debated and subjected to trial by argument, the most insane notions spread. Like only a certain race can be racist, everyone of a race is privileged, or that one race should pay another.

As I mentioned in an earlier article, once they get you to believe in an absurdity, it is a small step to get you to commit an atrocity. The ancient Mayans had astronomy, mathematics, written language, a thriving culture and economy… but poisoned their water supply with the corpses of their sacrificial victims. The absurd idea, that the “gods” lived in the well and wanted them to throw corpses into it, was never properly challenged. I am sure some complained about the taste, after awhile, but their corpses ended up in the well shortly after, as an example to others. The Nazis and the Jews, Lenin and the Kulaks, the Young Turks and the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot’s eugenics program, etc… history is nothing but examples of how believing absurdity has resulted in atrocities.

How condescending is it to consider people of a certain race to be incompetent to advance without your help? How supremacist to think because someone has a certain skin color, they are not capable, so need extra help, or they are so childish they cannot be criticized. Those attitudes can only come from a place of supremacism. Would you say that a person considers another his equal who they treat like children? One way to tell the attitude of a person is to examine their actions. People who treat others like porcelain dolls do not consider those others equals but inferiors. You don’t coddle an adult or superior, you coddle a child or incompetent. I should think it offensive to be treated in such a way, but those who do, don’t consider the people they coddle as being smart enough to be offended.

Racism is an evil we have dealt with since the Tower of Babel. It would be nice to limit it’s effect but using the term racist frivolously, diminishes it’s rhetorical power, and magnifies it’s societal effect. If wearing the wrong clothes is racist, racism then becomes a fashion choice, rather than the true evil it is. Some even argue mathematics and science are racist. Lowering the value of the word, which in and of itself is an evil act, but to consider people as inferior, racists, privileged, haters, or needing your help, because of their race, is not just condescending and supremacist, it is dishonest. Especially when many of the people claiming everyone of a certain race are racists… are of that race! How disingenuous is that? What we have today, are racists, using race as a bludgeon, to hammer society into the shape they, in their malevolent pathological racism… want. Isn’t it time to let them know they are naked?


John Pepin

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