The Lesson of Micheal Cohen

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Michael Cohen will probably spend a long time in prison for perjury, because he is stupid. The democrats love what he did but despise him for doing it.Even as he is a traitor to the Republicans. The judicial oligarchy has it in for the man who so sullied their face. Micheal Cohen is a man without allies. Of course, had he been a traitor to the democrat party, he might have got the Seth Rich treatment or possibly the Vince Foster handling, and we wouldn’t even be talking about this.The laughable part is, we discovered such “revelations” about Trump! Apparently, he tried to negotiate a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow! Some shadowy Russians reached out to Trump while he was campaigning, but Trump didn’t respond, and Trump paid some harlots to shut their lying mouths!

During the Roman Republican days, the days of a functioning Consular system, the Roman army was besieging an Iberian city. A handmaid met a Roman and offered to open a door through the wall. All she wanted was one of the gold rings the Roman soldiers wore. The Romans took her up on the offer, they invaded and sacked the city, slaughtering many of the inhabitants. To show their gratitude the Consul ordered all his men to toss their ring to her. She was crushed under the weight of the rings. Micheal Cohen is in the same situation. He would have been well advised to have read Livy’s Histories. While everyone wants to exploit a traitor, no one wants them around, once the deed is done. It encourages traitors among their own ranks. The democrats know how to deal with traitors though.

Eventually, it will come out that Seth Rich was the source for the DNC emails, leaked to Wikileaks. Moreover, once that fact is understood, it is not a leap to recognize his “death by robbery,” where the thief forgot to take his wallet, and his laptop is still locked up… might have been retribution. Julian Assange himself has all but attributed the leak to Seth Rich. Vince Foster on the other hand was quite another story. Once he committed “suicide,” by shooting himself in the back of the head twice, everyone recognized the Clintons for who they are, people to be afraid of. As Machiavelli said, it is better to be feared than to be loved, but it is best to be both. People are rightly scared of crossing the DNC as a result, they could end up stabbing themselves to death, like that doctor.

The oligarchical judicial system, like all oligarchies, is filthy to the core, but must maintain the semblance of purity, and so detests anyone who exposes their filth.Cohen has exposed their filth and they will make an example of him.Ostensibly to show they take lying under oath seriously, but in reality, for exposing the shady workings of the legal system. A system where justice is subservient to political favor. Ask any attorney if there is ever a time when he or she knows they will win a case. They will chuckle and answer, “If I am facing someone Pro Se,standing for themselves.” The clear point is that the justice of the case is irrelevant, only the political favor of the litigants and their lawyers.

So, Micheal Cohen has no allies.Fortunately he was a traitor to the Republicans, else he might have already stabbed himself in the chest, several times, to commit suicide. The democrats have what they need from him and are happy to crush him with their signet rings for his help. The attorney’s only hope is the judicial system, the oligarchical system that he exposed for what it is, filthy rotten to the core… and it holds grudges.The reason for the DC Double standard comes into focus because of this. No matter if you love Trump, detest him or fall anywhere in between, people do not fear him, they do fear the Clinton run DNC. That is why Comey, Ohr and the rest are so willing to perjure themselves, they have powerful allies, and will never see the inside of a cell.


John Pepin

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