The First Trump Assassination Attempt

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Trump assassination attempt exposes the secret service, and indeed the administrative state, as the abject failures they are. The Secret Service failed Trump, the courts fail justice, and our leaders fail us. It’s a system of failure from the top down. Of course there’s the stochastic terrorism angle. Where the elite have been vilifying Trump so hard an assassination or an attempt was all but guaranteed. Making the elite themselves complicit in the attack. Moreover, the very people who’s failure and rhetoric led to the assassination attempt, claim to be smart and wise enough to run the world. No wonder the world is failing so badly, it’s being run by abject failures, stochastic terrorists and criminals of the highest order.

The assassination attempt itself was proof of failure of the Secret Service. Which makes them fit right into the administrative state, where failure isn’t an option, it’s a standard feature. Top to bottom the singular attribute of the deep state is it’s failure at everything. Look at the results of three years of bureaucratic rule of the US. The economy is a shambles, as are our Constitutional Rights, we’re in a two fronted war, with another front possibly opening up any time, crime is rampant, kids are dying in the streets of Fentanyl overdoses, inflation is wasting the savings of the few that did save, border patrol abets illegal crossings, the DOJ abets the Biden crime family and the Secret Service abets an assassination attempt on Trump. By ignoring warnings of a man with a gun at a Trump rally.

The assassination attempt wouldn’t have happened without the elite and the media pushing the “Trump will end the world” narrative. Projecting their own policies and results on him. The press has gone wall to wall detailing how Trump will start WWIII, destroy the economy and end democracy. The easily manipulated will find this rhetoric to be captivating. While most of us realize democrat rhetoric are just lies they make up to smear their political enemy, the insane don’t. They take it very seriously. Remember when the media vilified Sara Palin when Tulsi Gabbard was shot? Because on one of her campaign ads there was a target over Arizona. The press claimed she caused the attack by that ad. Which makes one wonder, why the Biden ads in Pennsylvania have been pulled, and memory holed?

At some point stochastic terrorism becomes a punishable crime. The bar is very low for you and I but apparently very high for the elite. Regular people are charged with incitement at the slightest provocation, while the politically favored can outright call for an assassination, and it’s their first amendment Right. Because in Amerika today some are more equal than others. Every night all night on CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the media that calls itself unbiased, establishing themselves as liars right out of the gate. Can you imagine how the deep state would have treated Julian Assange had they been able to tie and actual assassination attempt to him?!?! Then again, what am I thinking, in the double standard legal system we live under, such things are common.

This assassination attempt proves the elite are worthless and have the integrity of a pile of dry sand. By their insane rhetoric against Trump, open double standards and proven incompetency. These same villains claim to be smart enough, wise enough and dog gone it, better people… who should run the world without oversight, consequence or limit. They’re that smart. Yet, we’ve given the elite the benefit of the doubt all throughout this article, and they come across as the wrong people for any job, let alone to run the world. The benefit of the doubt? We could say this was an actual assassination attempt by the deep state against Trump. It would fit with their raising the stakes, starting with election fraud, then weaponizing the law and now… assassination. So you see, I have given them the benefit of the doubt.


John Pepin

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