The Enigma of “Shall not be infringed…”

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, who would have thought “shall not be infringed…” was such an indecipherable statement? Then again, that is the job of a lawyer, to make the obvious obscure and to twist the truth into a lie. To that end they are trained extensively. Since most of our legislators, all the judiciary as well as the Vice President are attorneys, plain language no longer has weight. Now “A White horse is not a horse, but a black or yellow one is.” Deception always precedes a swindle, theft or war. That is why a leopard has spots, to hide from its prey, until it is ready to attack. The newest assault on our Constitution, HR127, is astounding in its deception, anti constitutionality and scope. Only a lawyer could manage to pervert the law in such a fashion. To what end though?

Sun Tzu said, in his seminal work The Art Of War, that one of the most effective means of waging war, is through the Strategy of Deception. If you see someone sharpening a knife, and when asked, they say they are putting air in their tires, you have to rectify what they said, with what they are doing. Should you believe your eyes… or his lies? A wise villain will use deception to keep the enemy off guard, using our forces inefficiently and to make us think we are safe, just as he strikes. Propaganda, censorship and camouflage hide the true intentions of an invader, despot or usurper. Smart people then, pay attention to what the elite are doing, as well as what they are saying, rectify the two and come to a rational conclusion based on logic and reason, not emotion. Know Your Enemy is another Sun Tzu Tenet.

Never before has the US needed a division of troops in our capital, even during the War Between the States, until now. Rather than examining why the government at this juncture, with a supposed pandemic keeping everyone at home, and after “the most honest election in history,” why does the government need division levels of military power in the streets of the capital? There are few militaries that could get a force to our shores undetected, there is no active war with a superpower, nor is there a Walking Dead scenario, so why do they need such force? You would think a President who won “the most votes in history” would be very popular, and so wouldn’t need an army to protect him? Only despots who cheat in elections and have bad intentions… need armies between them and the people.

There used to be a common term, it was “militia.” The original definition was, all able bodied men of fighting age, or 17-45. In a nation where the government has the backing of the people, a wise government keeps the militia well armed, trained and able. A despot keeps the militia disarmed, untrained and dependent… else that militia could turn on him. The only military a tyrant will tolerate is a standing army that is loyal to him. On the other hand, a nation that has a well trained militia, that not only owns guns but is able to use them… is essentially unconquerable, by a foreign nation or even league of nations. To give up such a powerful deterrent to invasion, is a calculation that only leans in favor of disarming the militia… when there is tyranny or coming tyranny.

Why do you suppose the elite are perverting language to take away our means of defense, in violation of our Constitution, censoring us, and stationing more than a division, of the standing army, in our capital? They say the enemy are white supremacists but is it possible that stereotype is merely a deception? The government didn’t go after white supremacists so hard when they actually existed and had power, they didn’t go after the Mafia with such gusto or even the anarchist bombers of the early Twentieth Century… perhaps we are being deceived? If we rectify what they are saying, (come together, over me) with what they are doing, (censoring, deceiving and disarming us, (oppressing us)) we can only rationally conclude, they seek to establish despotism. Very progressive.


John Pepin

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