The Draft

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a draft would be a terrible thing, because it would further empower an insane elite. Anyone who’s read any of my articles understands how utterly out of control our elites are. So we have to ask ourselves, do we want lunatics to have even more power? Only a fool would answer yes. The draft would allow them to bypass public sentiment and impose their will without feedback. Why do I say this? The volunteer army is a form of democracy. If society approves of the job the elite are doing, many will sign up… and if the public disapproves of the elite, few will join. As we see today. Why would anyone go to fight, possibly die and risk their immortal soul… to benefit dirt bags? On principle alone we need to vociferously condemn any draft… as it’s a means to more war.

The elite love war. It’s empowering, enriching and glorifying. Their investments in the military industrial complex pay off handsomely. Even as their reputations get a boost for being a “wartime” this or that. Further, during war, the unlawful edicts of the elite are to be followed to the letter, else we’re charged as traitors. War ticks all the boxes for a psychopath. Since they have no empathy, humanity or soul… the death, suffering and lost potential wash right off them, like filthy water from porcelain. Since the elite adore war, and find it so profitable, we can’t expect them to stop waging it anytime soon. The draft only allows them to bypass the reticence of the people, to join a war effort that doesn’t defend our nation, it’s to make the elite more elite.

The perpetual unwinnable wars have a chilling effect on recruitment. I say unwinnable, because to win a war, the elite have to want to win it. When the elite, as ours, only want the fire to continue, they’ll feed it, but never douse it. As we see nowadays. Remember the lost decade in Iraq? Where American boys fought, were maimed and died, to give Iraq to the Islamists. The debacle in Afghanistan proved the elite aren’t serious about winning… only fanning the flames. Because what sense is there in maintaining a trillion dollar military if no one else has any weapons? So the elite solved that problem, and gave our mortal enemies, the Islamists, 80 billion in weapons systems. That should justify another few hundred billion in defense spending… and a host of new unconstitutional regulations on speech.

Now the elite are marching to Moscow. Even as NATO is sending weapons to Ukraine to fight a lost war, that’s cost 500,000 people their lives, with an uncounted number of people maimed. Russia has all but won the war. Ukraine could sue for peace and get some semblance of a nation back… but the elite won’t tolerate the war ending. So they want to institute a draft in Europe, Canada and the US, to send our kids to die for their dreams. As our children are sent to feed the cannon, our replacements will stay behind to take the jobs, homes and wives of those who died serving their country… with a gun pointed at their front, and at their back. A draft only applies to citizens, by definition. Even as our weakness makes war with the CCP more likely.

With the horrible economy making it impossible to create a family… wouldn’t you think people would line up to join the military? Apparently not. Recruitment is way down. Maybe because of the debacles, the perpetual war or the corruption of the elite, but people just aren’t joining in the numbers the elite need to feed the war machine. So they need a draft. Ideally including women. Because you can’t replace a culture without eliminating the women as well. Those who avoided the enlarged hearts from the covid shot will be drafted. That’s why I say we need to shout to the heavens, we do not comply. We will not accept a draft of our kids. We will not further empower a lunatic fringe elite. Because a draft puts a gun at our kid’s backs as well as their fronts… and only a fool would allow that!


John Pepin

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