The Difference Between National Socialism, Progressivism and Communism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, democratic socialism is no different than international or national socialism. The national socialists were elected into power. The only difference between outright Marxism and national socialism is the national or international character of the philosophy. Marxists want to force socialism on the world, where national socialists, were elected to implement it in one nation only. I fail to see why those who seek it in one nation only, are on the political “right,” and those who seek to foist it on the world on the “left.” The reality is, they are the same in concept, implementation and intent. Both national socialists and communists believe in censorship, ending private ownership of the means of production, collectivism and arbitrary rule. Let’s have an honest conversation about this issue.

Socialism is socialism no matter how you qualify it. It should be obvious that if you put whatever adjective you want in front of socialism, it is still socialism. Socialists of any stripe want the same things, autocracy, state control of the means of production, censorship, universal healthcare, arbitrary rule, equality of outcomes (except for the elite), and replacing personal responsibility with collective duty. In addition all socialists will gleefully use violence to forward their agenda. Only someone blind could argue that the Red Guard under Mao, Lenin’s Bolsheviks, the Brown Shirts, ANTIFA and Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge were/are not violent. They are cut from the same cloth. Socialists, whether national, democratic international or little red hen socialism, all have Thrasymachus’ philosophy of humanity.

Socialism can be elected into office like Hugo Chavez, or it can come to power by revolution like Fidel Castro, but it stays in power by censorship, violence and coercion. No matter if they get power by democracy and are democratic socialists, again like Hugo Chavez and Adolph Hitler, or by revolution as did Pol Pot, Mao and Lenin, once the get power, they never willingly give it up. We see this paradigm playing out today in the Chinese empire, North Korea and in Venezuela. Socialists always promise Heaven and deliver Hell itself. The national socialists brought us sixty million deaths by war, International socialists slaughtered over one hundred million people in the twentieth century alone. Socialism, no matter how you apologize for it or what you call it… is evil.

In reality the difference is the same as the difference between a rottweiler and a pit bull. National socialism, Marxism, communism, democratic socialism, progressivism and space alien socialism are just members of the same family. Like a doberman and a German Shepard are both types of dogs. One cannot logically argue one is a dog and the other a cat. As dogs do, socialists love to roll in carrion and eat their own feces… The carrion of their victims and the feces of their own propaganda. I’ll stop here comparing socialists to dogs, because dogs have intrinsic value, are of immeasurable worth to humanity and have delivered millions of people from suffering in a myriad of ways, while socialists have delivered millions to the gas chambers and gulags, have zero intrinsic value and are of negative worth.

The media that calls itself unbiased however, is going full time promoting democratic socialism as different in kind from national socialism or communism, when they know there is in fact no difference. Socialists though are used to lying… it is their stock and trade. Once they have power, democratic socialists will do away with any semblance of actual democracy to protect “their” power. Modern socialists hope they have succeeded in dumbing us down, to the point we cannot recognize the truth, and fall for their lies. They cleverly hide the history of socialism and misdirect us by putting nice sounding adjectives in front of socialism. While at the same time telling us that while national socialism was evil, international socialism is good. As if a Collie is not a dog but a Poodle is…


John Pepin

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