The Coming Catastrophe

Dear Friends,

It seems to me the World is in real trouble. The economy of almost every country is crumbling, we are standing at the gates of World war, there is a very real possibility that the US Constitution will fall in the next few years, and, (apparently in an effort to prove my last blog true), the unbiased media are focused, like a laser beam, on a week old story about Mitt Romney putting his foot in his mouth. The reason the planet is in such dire peril, is because the media misdirect us, keeping us ignorant and from taking decisive action, to stop the slide to oblivion. Our lives will change dramatically… if we don’t turn this ship around soon. Time has run out and neo Nero plays the fiddle while our World burns.

The economies of the World are teetering on collapse. The engine of the World’s economy, the United States, is seizing up. If the US economy collapses the World’s economy goes into a tailspin. Take the analogy of a car… if the engine blows up, the car stops functioning. The only way to fix a car with a seized up engine is to replace the engine. But, there are no other players on the World stage, that have the ability to take over the role of economic engine for the World. China is a paper balloon that is wafting dangerously close to the fire. Japan is facing a demographic choke and Europe has destroyed itself with multiculturalism, regulation and the welfare state. Meanwhile Russia’s government is as corrupt as any on the face of the planet.

Regulation and red tape are strangling the entrepreneur in America as well as Europe. Obama is the latest, but we have been tatting red tape for a long time. In the 1970’s Milton Friedman warned us about the increasing amount of regulation. Since then our governments has added millions of regulations to the books. We have gotten to the point where it is nearly impossible to start a business due to the regulatory maze. In Vermont, it takes 25 years and a Supreme Court decision, simply to get a Walmart built! How can a young person, with an excellent idea, start a business on a shoestring budget? It cannot be done. Most of the industries that we rely on for employment today, could not be started in this economic environment… for the red tape and bureaucracy.

The US is about to enter a period of hyper inflation. The US FED has increased the money supply, in the last 3 years by nearly 100%, from 1.4 trillion in 2008 to 2.3 trillion today, in M1 and M2 money! All this money printing while the economy has been stagnant. In the newest incarnation of Quantitative easing, Bernanke says he will print 40 billion dollars a month… until the economy catches on. Indefinite printing of money, is a means to destroy the wealth of the vast majority of Americans… and everyone who has invested in America! No one is safe from the danger of hyper inflation, in the US, or anywhere. When confidence in the dollar is shattered, and it will be, the World economy will fall into a depression, that will make the 1930s seem like boom times.

The Islamic world is becoming more radicalized by the day. The leaders there want a caliphate regardless of the blood shed that will be required to lubricate the process. They see their scripture as impelling them to subjugate the World to their violent, theocratic ideology. Some, the Twelvers, even believe that drenching the World in human blood will bring back their Mahdi, ushering in their vision of a World where only the elect are allowed to live, all others will be killed. These people, who willingly strap bombs to their own children, and send them into a crowded bus, are being allowed to get nuclear weapons! There is only one place this road will lead… to World War III, where nuclear weapons will be used. They could never, in a million years, develop them themselves… but with our help they now have the A-bomb.

The US Constitution, the shining light on a hill for so many subjugated people around the World, is under pernicious attack. The US government has used such tactics as, sending guns to Mexican drug lords and vilifying gun owners in the US for it. The Obama administration told the Muslim Brotherhood about the anti moahamed movie, to change the focus of the 911 attacks on US embassies from protests to get the Blind Shaikh released, to attacking free speech in the US. Obama rules by caveat now, with no push back by the irrelevant Congress. Freedom of religion is under attack in America like never before, and the Judiciary is totally cool with all of it, as long as they can continue suing US Businesses for billions of dollars a year.

The unbiased media, in the face of all this paradigm changing news, has focused for a week, on a gaff by the Republican candidate. They have chosen their role in the coming catastrophe. Nothing makes profits for news outlets, like economic collapse, World war and civil upheaval. Our only real hope, is that we replace the people in charge, who are destroying us from within, and replace them with people who will follow the Constitution, stop devaluing the Dollar, and stem the tide of war. In this, we have the intercession of God, for God doesn’t want the World drenched in blood, famine or economic collapse. But… he has given us free will. He will only intercede if we ask him and act on our own behalf. The next decade will be painful. The question is, do we want a painful operation… or a bone wrenching death by cancer. The choice is ours to make. Lets pray for our children, our counties, our World… and back that prayer up with action.


John Pepin

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