The Choice is Yours… Unlimited Government or Liberty?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the question we are being confronted with… is whether or not we continue down the road of abandoning our founding ethos and philosophy, replacing it with the ethos and philosophy of Marx. We as a people, not just in the US but in Europe as well, are being plied with our ow largess to get us to choose Marxism. Not simply plied with payola for our vote, against the interests of humanity, but threatened with violence if we speak out, that we would rather liberty, prosperity and limited government… than oppression, famine and unlimited government. Today anyone who stands against the globalist elite, like the Rothschild banking empire, Rockefellers, Obamas, Soros, Epstein, etc… is destroyed. Your choice will decide if your grandchildren live well… or as slaves.

The democrat party is the party of Marx. They make no bones about it anymore. Openly booing God three times at their national convention firmly put them in the atheist camp of Marx. When democrat elites call for a Supreme court pick who is not swayed by our Constitution, they avow they are anti Americans. As they pass regulation after regulation putting the State firmly in charge of our daily lives, they prove they stand against liberty and for oppression. Every time a democrat Supreme Court “justice” evolves our Constitution, to pervert it’s meaning to their own ends, they show us that they care nothing for the rule of law but instead prefer arbitrary rule. Even hard core leftists in the democrat party are being thrown out for more reliable Marxists!

The republican party is the party of constitutionalism. Not all republicans, since even that party has been usurped by progressives who also seek a one world Marxist government, from which there is no escape. Yet, the platform of the republican party is, at it’s core, constitutionalist. So not even a vote republican will necessarily stem the tide of tyranny but a well thought out vote might help. The republican party, the party that was founded on liberty for everyone, and immediately took an anti slavery stance, has always been the party of limited government, liberty and prosperity, even when it was run by progressives. Nevertheless, a vote democrat is a vote against America, while a republican vote is generally a vote for our Constitution.

Democrats argue, just because every time Marxism has been tried, it has resulted in millions of horrible deaths by famine, state violence against it’s own people and crime, it will work if only everyone on the planet is forced into that system. They claim Pol Pot wasn’t a real Marxist, even though he implemented Marxist theory to the letter. They complain that Stalin gave Marxism a bad name, and that Fidel was the right kind of socialist, because when he came to power, he only slaughtered fifty thousand people in his initial purge. Democrats say socialism must have the right people in charge for it to work, so once they get that power, being the “right people,” they will make the planet a “utopia” (nowhere land), like the world has never seen…

So what should we do? Shall we abandon limited government, the market system, liberty and prosperity… for the as yet unattainable promises of the Marxists? Perhaps they are attainable now? Maybe history will not repeat itself, perchance it won’t even rhyme… this time, and their promises will come to pass. Global absolute tyranny is certainly an option some might prefer. Others might rather limited government, since man has proven himself incapable of having absolute power, corrupting him absolutely. We might prefer to remain in a state of liberty, the state that we are born into before government violence reduces us to subjects, or others might cling to the prosperity that the market system has given us. So the choice is yours… and you can make your choice reality by your vote.


John Pepin

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