The Bird Flu Plandemic

Dear Friends,

It seems odd to me, it’s now normal for a twenty five year old, to die of a random heart attack. Back in the day, four years ago before the vaccine, such an occurrence was extremely rare, and usually instigated by cocaine. Today, it’s common as a six penny nail. Even the elite are dropping like flies. Sports figures having heart attacks, newscasters are dropping dead on air, as random people are getting turbo cancers. All this death and the media could care less. Maybe because they’re culpable in it? No murderer would call attention to his or her crime. That would be stupid. Even more stupid than forcing people to take an untested shot with untested technology. Experts being experts, I’m sure they will have learned from Covid, the next time they launch a plandemic. Like Bird flu.

Hardly a day goes by when some famous person hasn’t died of heart failure. The liberal press avoids all mention of it, and when confronted by the deaths, they redirect the outrage to Trump. Because they don’t realize, when a finger is pointed at someone else… three point back. The media that calls itself unbiased ratcheted up fear with daily reports of the death count, need for more ventilators and how transmissible Covid is. They went on to claim how safe and effective the shot was. Vilifying anyone with a different point of view… as killers. Now we know who the real killers are. The media willingly became the propagandist arm of a system, they knew had created a deadly virus, set it upon mankind, then foisted an even more deadly shot on us, to “protect” us from their monster.

Remember when the elite forced people to take the vaccine else face the consequences. Which could include loss of job, inability to travel and social ostracism? That was quite a trick. They shut down the nation’s economy until we knuckled under and took the untested deadly shot. The more shots one took, the more deadly Covid is. People were arrested for walking on the beach alone. Because their vitamin D count might elevate and lower their risk of disease. Working out at a gym was verboten. Many were criminally charged for such counter revolutionary behavior. People were banned legally from seeking succor in a house of worship. Churches were deemed off limits. Even as the experts agreed, rioting and burning down America, was a good use of people’s free time.

Turns out the experts were wrong about a lot of things. Covid didn’t come from a pangolin, the vaccine wasn’t safe nor was it effective. Their hubris in forcing people to take the shot led to millions of deaths. Even more than the ventilators caused during Covid. Their creation of Covid in a lab was the inciting incident that caused the pandemic in the first place. Had they not been doing gain of function, Covid would never have occurred. Then again, the population wouldn’t have been culled either. Perhaps that was the goal? To cull us grazing masses? Because, I’m not a scientist nor am I smart, but I knew any technology that would be implemented on the large portion of humanity, should probably be tested in lab animals first. Mrna technology was… and it resulted in disaster for the subjects every time.

Today the experts are regaling us of the dangers of bird flu. The USDA spent millions researching if cooking meat kills bacteria and viruses in it. They could have saved the money, Ally Oop the Caveman could have told them that. Then again, it’s free money, taken from you and I. The media is shilling the terror of Bird flu. Kills one in four the press claims. Heck, they better get more ventilators if they want to make that number stick. Judged from last time though… if the media says up, the truth is down. I wonder what new exciting medical disasters the experts have in store for us this time? Lock downs are sure to come. Maybe the new shot, they pull out of their derrieres, will solve the myocarditis and turbo cancers their last one caused… by killing us all.


John Pepin

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