The Progressive Reaction to the Attack in Texas Says More About Progressives than Terrorists…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the recent attack on a free speech rally in Texas and more importantly, the reaction of the progressive unbiased media about it, show the depths progressives are willing to go to forward their agenda of total societal, economic and cultural collapse. Sounds nuts to say progressives seek the collapse of our civilization eh? It might… if you never listen to their rhetoric, observe their actions or understand the historic results of their policies, sadly, most people don’t. As I have written before, most people would rather believe a glittering lie, than an ugly truth, and many will actively try to shut up those who speak an ugly truth. So what we have is a people who are unwilling or perhaps unable, (due to the absurdly indoctrinating school system), to comprehend the very real danger our elite pose not only to us, but to our very civilization.

The progressives in media maintain a constant diatribe vilifying the victims of Islamofascist attacks for a decade now. Britain denies Pamela Geller a visa, because they claim her message is dangerous, but the message of Islamofascists… calling for the violent overthrow of Britain and the West, the subjugation and eventual extermination of Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, isn’t? Today the call has gone out that those in Garland had it coming, which is essentially the same as claiming a rape victim had it coming, because she wore a short skirt. They demand we must not criticize those who openly avow the slaughter of Christians and the destruction of the West, and call for climate change deniers to be jailed for their opinions, which is clearly a direct assault on free speech, all the while proclaiming their love of free speech! Anyone who claims others cannot criticize a philosophy, by definition, must be allied with that philosophy, and so they too must also want those measures. Their rhetoric tells more about them and their intentions, than all the articles ever written, if only people would actually listen and comprehend their words.

Fabian socialists have as their foundational philosophy, that the world needs to be heated to the point of melting down, so they can reform it in a way that more suits their desires. That is not hyperbole but their own doctrine! I ask you… what would heat the world to the point of melting more than the resulting clash of religion, culture and society, the Islamofascists, (and progressives) advocate? The modern progressive movement is based on the Fabian socialist model. They don’t believe in the revolution to usher in socialism, which is where they break ranks from the Marxists, but a slow progress to socialism. They care nothing that socialism has always resulted in millions of deaths by starvation, death squads, and war. In their minds, the ends justify the means, moreover, most don’t believe that socialism has ever really been tried. The bloody history of the twentieth Century be damned.

The rhetoric from progressives in the media, government and academia are uniform in their condemnation of western values, western economics and western history. They despise our morality and attack it in every way and at every chance. To be ignorant of that requires a person be intentionally blind to what is right in front of them. Progressives hate free speech, but know they cannot openly say it, so they hide their intentions by saying, they love free speech but… you can’t offend certain groups. They love freedom but, it has its limits, they love the poor and hate the wealthy, even though they are the wealthy and their policies create more poor, free republics are run by imperialists and empires are run by freedom loving tyrants… the list of newspeak is endless. Their duplicitous rhetoric would make INGSOC blush.

Most people only want to live their lives in peace and make a buck or two to save for old age. Most are too busy to really observe what is actually happening around them, and so, whenever someone tastes an ugly truth, they spit it out and when someone else offers them glittering lies, they gobble them down. Glittering lies are like lead oxide however, it tastes sweet, but is poison. Moreover, to believe those ugly truths requires action, and who has time for that? What truth could be more ugly, than to hear the elite actually seek the destruction of the western way of life, to be replaced with a world wide socialist tyranny?

Those in the media that calls itself unbiased, and progressives in all political parties, love to claim anyone who listens to their words, comprehends the results of their actions and understands the historical precedents of their policies, is a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist. Yet they make the most absurd conspiracy theories up, like Hillary Clinton’s vast right wing conspiracy, conservatives hate the poor, anyone who disagrees with them are haters, the Koch brothers are evil, aliens started life on Earth, etc… Progressives have the most insane ideas, and if you think of it, wouldn’t the ideas of anyone who seeks to destroy our civilization, the civilization that has resulted in the most prosperity for the most people, unprecedented technological growth, coupled with the most liberty the world has ever known… have to be nuts?


John Pepin

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