Subterranean Utopia

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, had Hillary won in 2016, the US wouldn’t be a country today. Trump saved us, for a few years, but now the deep state is in charge again… and the nation is in mortal peril. No one could have thought old sleepy Joe would have done so much damage to this nation, in so few years… but they didn’t consider the eight years of Obama softening this country up. When Obama left office the nation was teetering. Trump pulled it back from the edge, but the deep state’s hoaxes and fake crimes kept the nation in turmoil. Since the elite swindled the American people with mail in fraud, getting their puppet into the White House, the deep state has dragged the US back to the precipice. We’re about to be thrown off. Trump gave us a few more years but those years are nearly over.

With the average income needed to maintain a middle class standard of living, in the US, at over 200k a year, most aren’t making it. Wages have fallen way behind. In 1980, minimum wage was $2.35 an hour. Back then, only teenagers made minimum wage, not like today, when minimum is also the maximum for many. Nevertheless, if one made minimum in 1980, their annual income @ 40 hours a week would be, $4,888.00 a year. In 1980 the income required for a middle class life, for a family of four, was about $16,000.00. Approximately a fourth of the income needed. Today, minimum wage is around 12 bucks, making the annual income 24k. The income needed today (depending on state) is around 220k… making minimum wage a ninth of the income needed.

Crime is out of control. We all know it, even when the government gas lights us, and claims crime is down… because the police don’t arrest people for them anymore. So they’re not counted. Political crimes are their priority. Violent crime isn’t a concern of the police in our democrat controlled cities. That’s why no one feels safe. We know the police aren’t on our side… they’re on the criminal’s side. Unless a criminal utters wrongspeak, making their actions a political crime, they’re golden. Because despotic governments don’t care about assaults on the people. They only care about assaults on their political power. For example… the Jan 6th political prisoners, the joke writer who’s in prison, or the open election interference of the judiciary. Proving America under the deep state is despotic.

Wars and rumors of wars surround us. The war in Ukraine, Israel, Yemen and rumors of a China Taiwan war, that threatens to drag the US into another conflict, are alarming to say the least. With every day the elite escalate the conflict with Russia. Not a bit worried about the nuclear stockpile the Russians have. Because the elite have well stocked underground bunkers to ride the nuclear winter out. Other than Antarctica… the US has troops on every continent on Earth. The CCP is an expansionist empire, with our politicians and bureaucrats either on the payroll, or adorers of their ideology. So they get zero push back for their crimes against humanity… up to and including genocide, organ harvesting and killing 100k Americans a year, from their Fentanyl chemical war on America.

If Biden’s election fraud machine wins again… this nation is done for. Even if the republicans control the House and Senate, they have no backbone to impeach a democrat president… even one openly violating his oath of office! The deep state runs roughshod over congress and is the engine and drive train in the clown car that’s become Amerika. Even as the experts, who made it this way, complain about us arrogant powerless people. It’s all our fault. Not the wire pullers. If Trump loses he will have been merely a bump on the road to serfdom. The elite have shown no remorse, suffered consequences or had an epiphany, so we can expect more of the same. Prepare for more inflation and violent crime, culminating in a nuclear Armageddon. Clearing the way for their subterranean utopia.


John Pepin

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