Stupid Ideas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, stupid ideas have gone through our culture like wildfire in the last few years, driven before the sere winds of ad agencies. They aren’t organic, they’re imposed. Millions of dollars are spent to propagate them. Every night on the news we’re told absurdity after anti truth and expected to believe them. Each time an absurdity is exposed as a lie, it’s memory holed, and a new one is offered. This onslaught of foolishness leaves us confused, unsure what’s true, and afraid to say what we think. Our lack of balance serves the elite though. The befuddled are easy to manipulate. As Voltaire said, if they can get us to believe absurdities, they can get us to do atrocities. Which may be the end game, get us to act the mindless mob, destroying at their will. Following the stupid into stupidity.

There have always been stupid ideas floating around our culture, heck, all cultures have had to deal with them. Those that were organic, if not true, have a short life. Only those with a ring and echo of truth can sustain themselves. Since there’s no ad agency pushing them. They adhere by their magnetism, their truth proves them, and they live on by their merits. Non organic stupid ideas, on the other hand, have a life of their own no matter how absurd. Due to the millions of dollars spent promoting them. They’re artificial stupid ideas but are sustained by the full weight, wealth and power of the elite. That’s one way to discern an organic stupid idea from an inorganic stupid idea, the organic one dies out quickly, the artificial one lasts as long as the flow of money.

During the Covid panic, lots of “smart” people claimed, although face masks made it worse in the 1917 pandemic, they would work this time, because… science. Safe treatments were attacked as dangerous, while dangerous untested ineffective shots, were mandated as safe. We were told admitting the virus came from China was racist, and it couldn’t have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that was a conspiracy theory… until it wasn’t. Fauci had nothing to do with it and the Wuhan flu couldn’t possibly be gain of function… except he did, and it was. All those, and a plethora of other lies, were shoveled into the furnace of public opinion. Fueling a belief in absurdity… leading to millions of deaths! Medical witchcraft is just one of the many artificial stupid ideas we’ve had to deal with lately.

Even when the ground of what we are told to believe shifts under us, like an earth quake, we still have to make decisions. When we’re not only told lies, but the truth is actively withheld from us, it becomes impossible to make wise choices. Therefore, those who lie and censor, don’t want us making intelligent decisions. They want us forced into making stupid choices based on their lies. Isn’t that the definition of a swindler, fraud or dirt bag? So, a government that engages in lying and censorship, like ours, is a swindler government. A pile of dirt bags. Since soil sacs aren’t known for their smarts, the governments of the West are clearly criminal, and stupid. They lie about everything all the time. Covid’s origins, treatment and vaccine safety is but one example. Anthropogenic climate change is another.

Artificial stupid ideas seem to be cropping up with ever greater frequency. Even as the destructiveness of those notions grows in magnitude. Meanwhile the elite are doubling down on the lies, censorship and outright oppression. Every time another devastating Biden scandal breaks, some AG or the DOJ indicts Trump, to distract us. The real problem with stupid ideas is that they come from stupid people, and since our elites are promulgating stupid ideas, they must be stupid. Which brings us to the sad fact, do we want stupid psychopaths, who think they’re smart, forcing stupid ideas down our throats? Because, let’s face it, those stupid ideas are going to end up with millions more people dead. Stupid people and stupid ideas, are more dangerous than evil or misfortune… as Bonhoeffer said, and I agree.


John Pepin

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