Dear Friends,
It seems to me, the harder it is to do business in any country, the lower economic output will be. When politicians come into power, they all want to increase the power of government, because it serves their egos. Therefore the politician must claim that more regulation will improve this or that aspect of economic output or minimize some negative aspect of human nature. In this, they all have the same agenda… to increase the power and wealth of the State and politicians, at the expense of the prosperity and liberty of the individual.
Have you ever noticed that the power of the State never goes down it only goes up? Politicians who espouse lowering the power of the State are uniformly vilified in the unbiased press. The press who has a dog in the race so to speak. They get to rub elbows with the statist politicians and celebrities, by backing their efforts. This is one motivating factor for the unbiased press to take the wrong side in the debate about Mankind’s freedom. Another is, the statist politician has no qualms about using the power of the State, to destroy annoying press people. In some countries, as in Russia, the State murders those media people who the egoist statist finds vexing. Therefore we cannot expect the press to paint an accurate picture of reality.
It would seem a self evident fact that as regulation goes up economic activity must go down. Like the see saw of State power versus individual power. As one rises the other necessarially goes down. The same paradigm holds true in economics. As regulation goes up economic output necessarially goes down. The opposite is true as well. As regulation goes down economic output goes up. The egoist has a personal interest in not only denying this reality, but must actively cover this truth, with lies and personal attacks. This has worked for thousands of years of recorded human history, and has resulted in a human history, lubricated with the tears of the oppressed.
A truly unbiased observer of history cannot but come to this conclusion… Every time the power of the State has increased, often for what appears from the outside to be for a benefit, the power of the individual and economic output are lowered. Every time the power of the State has been lowered the power of the individual has been raised. Franklin Roosevelt set the American standard for raising the power of the State. He even went so far as, to get the Supreme Court to find, that a person cannot grow his or her own food on their own land… because it effects interstate commerce! Never has a more pernicious law been held to be acceptable!
Obama and European politicians have enacted the very same statist policies as FDR and we have the exact same results. Stagnation in the economy, destroying the sovereignty of the individual, and widespread disheartening of the people. The examples of the power of the State being lowered, have uniformly resulted in the empowering of the individual, a dramatic rise in economic output, and the happiness of the people expanded. The dishonest politician, that argues that some negative aspect of human nature requires greater regulation, is engaging in self serving sophistry. What is set by culture should be corrected by culture not politics.
Unfortunately today, especially in Europe, the people have only one choice… the statist. Every political party, from both side of the political spectrum, stands for more power to the State. The racist right and the suicidal left all believe that more power, in the hands of ever less regulated politicians, is the answer. Nothing could be further from the truth. This sophist argumentation has resulted in the Nazi and Communist parties getting back into power in Europe. This can only lead to bloodshed, since the Nazis and the Communists are violent by their natures, and recruit from the same segment of the population.
The people of the World are only given spurious logic to mull over, while reality is hidden, with political wrangling and rhetoric. We are poorly served by our media, politicians, and especially our intellectuals, who all know better, but eschew truth for power. Until there is a real alternative in the World from the egoist statist politicians we will be forever burdened. The lot of Mankind, by every measure, will be lowered and lowered. The first step to breaking this pernicious cycle is to recognize the problem and create a viable alternative to the statist. In America the Tea Party is that alternative and in Europe there is a nascent Tea Party forming. Lets pray that it is not too late. For our children’s and grandchildren’s sake.
John Pepin